DMPQ-What is Project Sakshakt?(Economy)

It was proposed by a panel led by PNB chairman Sunil Mehta to address the bad loansproblem in India’s banking sector Public sector banks (PSBs) will need an additional capital of Rs 1.1-1.3 trillion over thenext two years to implement a five-point strategy to tackle bad loans, a committeereport on project ‘Sashakt’ has recommended.  … Read more

DMPQ-What do you understand by the term Crowding out effect?

Crowding out is an economic concept that describes a situation where government spending and borrowing reduces overall private sector consumption and investment. Crowding out can be caused by an expansionary fiscal policy financed by increased taxes, borrowing or both. Crowding out can refer to when government borrowing absorbs all the available lending capacity in the … Read more

DMPQ-What is the ability model and mixed model in Emotional intelligence?

Ability Model: Mayer and Salovey introduced the concept of emotional intelligence (Ability Model). According to them, Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth. Mixed Model: … Read more

DMPQ-What are fastags? Explain the one nation and one tag policy.

FASTag are stickers affixed to the windscreen of Vehicles. They use RFID technology to collect toll from the traffic. The tags are linked to ban account and they are charged or top up. The amount is detected directly from the account. According to NHAI, these Tags will ensure seamless travel of traffic and will also … Read more

DMPQ-What is the composition and function of CVC?

Commission consists of Commissioner and not more than two Vigilance commissioner. They are pointed by the president on recommendation of a committee of Prime Minister, Home minister and leader of opposition lok sabha. They occupy post till age of 65 yrs or 4 yr term. Functions of CVC  are: To inquire or cause an inquiry … Read more

DMPQ-What do you understand by the term seeker technology and 5G Technology?

  Seeker Technology :The seeker technology is a critical technology that determines the accuracy of a missile. So far, the seeker technology had come from Russia.   The technology is a closely guarded secret.  Mastering it is a significant milestone in missile technology and would reduce import dependence.  The seeker was developed by Research Centre Imarat … Read more

DMPQ-What do you understand by the term Late convergence stall?

‘Late Converger Stall’ refers to the phenomenon wherein a low-income country that hopes to grow into a middle or high-income country, after witnessing a period of high economic growth, fails to achieve its goal. Instead, it gets trapped in its lower income status due to various reasons. Rapid growth witnessed by such countries turns out … Read more

DMPQ-What are quasi judicial bodies? Give some examples? (Polity)

Quasi-judicial bodies are such institutions which have power of enforcement of law but are notcourts. These bodies can inquire, investigate, summon & award legal penalties to anyadministrative agency. Generally these bodies have limited judiciary power in specialized areassuch as  NHRC/SHRC in human rights violation  CVC in corruption cases  CIC/SIC related to RTI … Read more