DMPQ-What are fastags? Explain the one nation and one tag policy.

FASTag are stickers affixed to the windscreen of Vehicles. They use RFID technology to collect toll from the traffic. The tags are linked to ban account and they are charged or top up. The amount is detected directly from the account. According to NHAI, these Tags will ensure seamless travel of traffic and will also … Read more

DMPQ-What is RISAT- 2BR1? What are its application?

Application: In India radar imaging are used for crop estimation because our main crop growing season of kharif is in May-September when it rains and gets cloudy. We have used this data extensively for forestry, soil, land use, geology and during floods and cyclone. Due to an all-weather seeing feature, the satellite becomes special for … Read more

DMPQ-What were the causes and consequences of Third battle of Panipat?

What were the causes and consequences of Third battle of Panipat? Ans:       The question of sovereignty over Punjab and its capture and loss alternatively and repeatedly by the Marathas and Abdali during the period 1752-60 became the immediate cause of the battle of Panipat. Sadashiv Rao Bhau, the commander of the Marathas, reached Delhi in … Read more

DMPQ-What do you understand by the term Gujral Doctrine.

The Gujral doctrine was a five-point roadmap which sought to build trust between India and neighbours, of solution to bilateral issues through bilateral talks and to remove immediate quid pro quos in diplomatic relationship between India and her neighbours. The ‘Doctrine’ emphasized on the importance of unilateral accommodation for friendly and warm relations with India’s … Read more

DMPQ-What are the features of parliamentary government in India ?

The features of parliamentary government in India are: Presence of nominal and real executives; Majority party rule, Collective responsibility of the executive to the legislature, Membership of the ministers in the legislature, Leadership of the prime minister or the chief minister, Dissolution of the lower House (Lok Sabha or Assembly).

DMPQ-What were the main features of Government of India Act 1935?

The Montague-Chelmsford Reforms of 1919 had brought a large scale discontentment among the people of India. The Non-Cooperation Movement launched by Gandhi had fanned the fire of this discontentment. In order to give some concession to Indians in the field of administration, the Government of India Act, 1935 was designed on the basis of the … Read more

DMPQ-What do you understand by the term Crowding out effect?

Crowding out is an economic concept that describes a situation where government spending and borrowing reduces overall private sector consumption and investment. Crowding out can be caused by an expansionary fiscal policy financed by increased taxes, borrowing or both. Crowding out can refer to when government borrowing absorbs all the available lending capacity in the … Read more