DMPQ: Why there is a need of environmental law ? Discuss in brief the problems in nuking and implementing the environmental laws.

the understanding of laws in general and environmental laws in particular by the public is limited. This is partly because environmental laws are written using complicated language that is very difficult for the public to understand. many communities, organizations, and companies still operate for short-term gains, without consideration of long-term targets or impacts on the … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the features of citizen amendment bill 2016.( Acts)

Citizen amendment bill (2016) seeks to ease norms for religious minorities from neighbouring countries (non-Muslims) to get Indian citizenship.  But it has polarised regions in borders states like Assam as the locals fear a demographic change might be ushered due to immigration.   Features:   Citizenship Act, 1955 allows an immigrant to apply for citizenship … Read more

DMPQ: What are tribunals? Discuss the issues attached with tribunals.

Tribunals are established as per appropriate statutory provisions and are observed as an alternative medium to the conventional judicial bodies for the redressal of grievances and settling disputes. A tribunal, in a plain language, is a. body of administrative character that has been powered with judicial powers to adjudicate one question of law or fact … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the provisions of the charter act of 1861.(history)

:   Major provisions of the act are as follows:   Introduction of portfolio system by lord canning. Expansion of executive council. Now there were 4 members. For legislative purpose, the governor general council was expanded. Now 6-12 additional members can be nominated. There were appointed for a period of 2 years. Out of these, at … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the role of chromosomes during cell division.

Mitosis When the chromosomes condense during cell division, they have already undergone replication. Each chromosome thus consists of two identical replicas, called chromatids, joined at a point called the centromere. During mitosis the sister chromatids separate, one going to each daughter cell. Chromosomes thus meet the first criterion for being the repository of genes: they … Read more

Discuss the importance of Champaran satyagraha

This was the first experiment of novel method adopted by Gandhiji ie. Civil disobedience and passive resistance in the Champaran. This has huge historical significance as it marks the advent of Gandhiji in mainline politics and paved the ground for Gandhi ji popularity as leader. It also gave sanctions to the method adopted by Gandhiji. … Read more