DMPQ: What is Preventive detention? Do you think preventive detention is in sink with the democratic principles? (POLITY)

The imprisonment of a person with the aim of preventing them from committing further offences or of maintaining public order. The grounds for Preventive detention are: * Security of state. * Maintenance of public order. * Maintenance of supplies and essential services and defence. * Foreign affairs or security of India. Preventive detention is not … Read more

DMPQ- What is wind energy and how it is tapped? Write cons of Wind energy.

Wind is caused by the uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun, variations in the earth’s surface, and rotation of the earth. Mountains, bodies of water, and vegetation all influence wind flow patterns. Wind turbines convert the energy in wind to electricity by rotating propeller-like blades around a rotor. The rotor turns the drive shaft, which … Read more

DMPQ: What are the features borrowed from various constitution?

British Constitution: Parliamentary government, Rule of Law, legislative procedure, single citizenship, cabinet system, prerogative writs, parliamentary privileges and bicameralism. US Constitution: Fundamental rights, independence of judiciary, judicial review, impeachment of the president, removal of Supreme Court and high court judges and post of vice-president.   Irish Constitution: Directive Principles of State Policy, nomination of members … Read more

DMPQ: What is contract farming? What are its advantages? (economy)

Contract farming is a kind of system in which bulk purchaser enters into contract with farmers. It includes agro- processing, exporting and trading units.  They purchase a specified quantity of any agricultural commodity at pre agreed price. Sponsor provides all kind of production support to the contracted farmers. This include extension service also.     … Read more

DMPQ- What do you mean by Demographic Transition?

The population structure associated with a DD is a natural stage of the demographic transition, which is when countries change from having high birth and death rates to having low birth and death rates. The first stage of the transition is typically a fall in child mortality due to improvements in healthcare, nutrition and overall … Read more

DMPQ: What was the mandate of New education policy in India? Outline its salient features.

The Committee was constituted under the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in October,2015.  The report proposes an Education Policy, which seeks to address challenges faced by the current education system.  Key features of the proposed Policy are summarised below. Early childhood care and education was inconsistent across states. The committee recommended that ECCE for … Read more

DMPQ- Explain Rural – Urban continuum. What is Rurban mission?

There are many different views regarding the rural-urban continuum. Some scholars say that there are no sharp breaking points to be found in the degree or quantity of rural urban differences. Robert Redfield has given the concept of rural -urban continuum on the basis of his study of Mexican peasants of Tepoztlain.The rapid process of … Read more

DMPQ- What are the main Branches of medicine ?

There are many branches in medicine. Here are some of them. Anatomy: This is the study of the physical structure of the body. Biochemistry: A biochemist studies chemical components and how they affect the body. Biomechanics: This focuses on the structure of biological systems in the body and how they work, using a mechanical approach. … Read more

DMPQ- What is e waste? Discuss its impact on the environment and health.

E-waste or electronic waste refers to all waste from electronic and electrical appliances which have reached their end- of- life period or are no longer fit for their original intended use and are destined for recovery, recycling or disposal. It includes computer and its accessories monitors, printers; typewriters, mobile phones and chargers, remotes, batteries, LCD/Plasma … Read more