Earth’s Interior – Earthquake Waves – Shadow Zone

  Most of the knowledge we have about Earth’s deep interior comes from the fact that seismic waves penetrate the Earth and are recorded on the other side.  Earthquake ray paths and arrival times are more complex than illustrated in the animations, because velocity in the Earth does not simply increase with depth. Velocities generally … Read more Earth’s Interior – Earthquake Waves – Shadow Zone

A) What is ultrasound waves and outline its benefits? b) Use of Inert gases

A) What is ultrasound waves and outline its benefits? Waves which have frequency more than 20,000 Hz and which are not audible to human ears but audible to dogs, cats , bats, whales. Ultrasounds are used in various different fields. They are used to detect objects and measure distance. Ultrasound imagining is used in the … Read more A) What is ultrasound waves and outline its benefits? b) Use of Inert gases

DMPQ: What is electromagnetic waves? Outline the features of electromagnetic waves? (Science)

Electromagnetic waves or EM waves are waves that are created as a result of vibrations between an electric field and a magnetic field. In other words, EM waves are composed of oscillating magnetic and electric fields.   Properties of electromagnetic waves: EM waves are composed of oscillating electric and magnetic fields at right angles to … Read more DMPQ: What is electromagnetic waves? Outline the features of electromagnetic waves? (Science)