Social Forestry

 Social Forestry The National Commission on Agriculture, Government of India, first used the term ‘social forestry’ in 1976. It was then that India embarked upon a social forestry project with the aim of taking the pressure off the forests and making use of all unused and fallow land. Government forest areas that are … Read more

Social Disorganization

 Social disorganization-Anomie and Alienation The social disorganization theory is one of the most important theories developed by the Chicago School, related to ecological theories. The theory directly links crime rates to neighborhood ecological characteristics; a core principle of social disorganization theory is that place matters. In other words, a person’s residential location is … Read more

Social Control And Social Change

 Social Control and Social Change – Sources and agencies of Social Control, Processes and factors of Social Change Society is a collectivity of groups and individuals. It exists for the welfare and advancement of the whole. The mutuality, on which it depends, is possible to sustain by adjustment of varied and contradictory interests. … Read more

Social Processes

 Social Processes – Social Interaction, Co-operation, Struggle, Competition Social processes are the ways in which individuals and groups interact, adjust and readjust and establish relationships and pattern of behaviour which are again modified through social interactions. The concept of social process refers to some of the general and recurrent forms that social interaction … Read more

Market Economy And Its Social Consequences

 Market Economy and its social consequences In primitive societies the usual system of exchanging goods vas barter system. At that time the idea of profit did not exist, ‘people accumulated goods not for making profit during the days of scarcity but to gain prestige. The system of trading often consisted if giving and … Read more

Occupational Diversification And Social Structure

 Occupational diversification and social structure Indian society is primarily a rural society though urbanisation is growing. The majority of India’s people live in rural areas (67 per cent, according to the 2001 Census). They make their living from agriculture or related occupations. This means that agricultural land is the most important productive resource … Read more

Census of India : Economic and Social features

Census of India : Economic and Social features Rural and urban population Altogether, 833.5 million persons live in rural area as per Census 2011, which was more than two-third of the total population, while 377.1 million persons live in urban areas. Urban proportion has gone up from 17.3 per cent in 1951 to 31.2 per … Read more

DMPQ-Explain Begar as a form of social labour.

Begar  a form of social labour without payment. Its origin goes back to the pre-money era when labour was viewed as an important item of exchange. The land of the king and his men and priests were cultivated by peasants in exchange of some tenurial rights in land granted by the king. When the state … Read more