DMPQ- Outline the recommendations of Nitiaayog on labour reforms.

Labour reforms essentially mean taking steps in increasing production, productivity, and employment opportunities in the economy in such a manner that the interests of the workers are not compromised. “Essen­tially, it means skill development, retraining, redeployment, updating knowledge base of workers-teachers, promotion of leadership qualities, etc. The recommendation of NITI aayog are: Codification of labour … Read more

DMPQ- Outline the features of National Mineral Policy, 2019.

It will lead to sustainable mining sector development in future.  It will address the issues of project affected persons especially those residing in tribal areas.  The new changes include the focus on make in India initiative and Gender sensitivity in terms of the vision. It also focuses on use coastal waterways and inland shipping for … Read more

Outline the features of the government of India act, 1909.

System of dyarchy was introduced. The dyarchy means a system of double government in which The principle of dyarchy was a division of the executive branch of each provincial government into authoritarian and popularly responsible sections. The first was composed of executive councillors, appointed, as before, by the crown. The second was composed of ministers … Read more

DMPQ: Outline the main principles of Indian Foreign policy at the time of Independence.( International relations)

Main features: Panchsheel: Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty Non-aggression against each other. Non-interference in each other’s internal affairs. Equality and mutual benefit. Peaceful co-existence. Policy of Non alignment Policy of resisting colonialism, Imperialism and Racism Peaceful settlement of international disputes Support to UN, International law and just and equal world order … Read more

DMPQ- Outline the major provisions of Person with disabilities act, 2016.

This act is a progressive tool passed by Indian parliament. The  act is in accordance with the modern liberal principles and ethos. Salient features of the act are: Disability has been defined comprehensively and no. of disability have been raised from 7 to 21.Speech and Language Disability and Specific Learning Disability have been added for … Read more

DMPQ- Briefly outline the features and need of The Revised National TB Control Programme?

The Revised National TB Control Programme The Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) thus formulated, adopted the internationally recommended Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) strategy, as the most systematic and cost-effective approach for TB control in India. Political and administrative commitment, to ensure the provision of organised and comprehensive TB control services was obtained. Adoption … Read more

DMPQ: Outline the provisions of Charter Act of 1793. (History)

  It was the act of the British Parliament which renewed the charter issued to the British East India Company(EIC) and continued the Company’s rule in India. Company’s trade monopoly was continued for further 20 years. The governor general was given extensive powers over the subordinate presidencies. Salaries for the staff and paid members of … Read more