2.1 Integrity And Impartiality (1)

 Integrity   Integrity means that the moral agent acts according to the inner convictions of a person. His conducts should be free from hypocrisy and deception. His actions should be in conformity with his stated values. But it is hard to follow high morals which one proclaims. The British historian GM Trevelyan has … Read more

DMPQ:Attaining impeccable integrity is a daunting task but there is negative perception in Public regarding survival of impeccable integrity. According to you what are the reasons for such Perceptions?

Integrity is the full convergence of actions and thoughts. When these two components meet impeccable integrity is achieved. It is one of the foundational values which are expected of civil servant. But there is public perception that integrity cannot be achieved. The reasons are as follows: There is a general perception that people with impeccable … Read more

DMPQ:What is integrity? Name different types of integrity.

Word Integrity comes from the Latin word Integer meaning whole or complete. Itmeans soundness of moral principles. Person must be consistent across time andsituations.Persons’ inner sense of wholeness deriving from honesty and consistent uprightnessof character.A person with integrity does right things for right reasons. Integrity involves basingone’s actions on internally consistent framework or principles. People … Read more