DMPQ- Explain the concept of sea floor spreading

Concept of sea floor spreading was given by Henry Hess which was crucial to establish the formation of different geological surface on the earth. The major findings were: The crust below the ocean floor was found only 7-8 km thick. The existence of mid Atlantic ridge was known, but it was found that mid oceanic … Read more

DMPQ- Explain a) GEMINI b)eDantseva c)Ganga Aamantran Abhiyan

Gagan Enabled Mariner’s Instrument for Navigation and Information (GEMINI) device. It was unveiled by Union Minister for Earth Sciences, Science & Technology and Health & Family Welfare, Dr. Harsh Vardhan in New Delhi.  The GEMINI device was developed by theIndian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Earth … Read more

DMPQ: Explain the following terms: a) The Built operate and transfer (BOT) Annuity Model b) BOT toll model c) Engineering, Procurement and Construction Model

The Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) Annuity Model   Under BOT annuity, a developer builds the highway, operates it for a specified duration and transfers it back to the government. The government starts payment to the developer after the launch of commercial operation of the project. Payment will be made on a six month basis. … Read more

DMPQ: What are critical infrastructure? Explain with examples. ( Economy)

Critical infrastructure is a term used by the governments to describe assets that are essential for the functioning of a society and economy.  The term Critical infrastructure has been widely adopted to distinguish those infrastructure elements that, if significantly damaged or destroyed, would cause serious disruptions of the dependent system or organisation.   Storm, deluge … Read more

Explain the composition of blood.

Blood circulates in our body and it transport substance like digested food from the small intestine to the other parts of the body. It carries oxygen from lungs to the cells of the body. It also transport waste for removal from the body. Major components of Blood are as follows: Plasma: Plasma is the liquid … Read more

DMPQ: Explain the transport of water in Plants

The survival of plants is dependent on a number of factors which include water, minerals, gases, and nutrients they receive. The movement of gas, water, and nutrients in plants are carried out in components. They take in carbon dioxide from the air through the stomata present in their leaves and they absorb compounds of nitrogen, … Read more

DMPQ-What are fastags? Explain the one nation and one tag policy.

FASTag are stickers affixed to the windscreen of Vehicles. They use RFID technology to collect toll from the traffic. The tags are linked to ban account and they are charged or top up. The amount is detected directly from the account. According to NHAI, these Tags will ensure seamless travel of traffic and will also … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the Importance of textile industry in Indian economy

The Indian textile industry has a significant presence in the economic life of our country. It is the second largest textile industry in the world after China. The textile industry contributes about 14% to the country’s industrial output and about 17% to export earnings. After agriculture, this industry is the second largest employer in India … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the Interrelationship between agriculture and industry

Industry is not the substitute of agriculture, rather they are complementary to one another. Both these sectors are so attached with each other that it is not possible to increase the growth of one sector sector without the improvement of the other sector. If agriculture is considered as the ‘heart’ of the country, then obviously … Read more