DMPQ- What is Saubhagaya Scheme? Write down the expected outcome of the scheme?

According to the scheme, The States and Union Territories are required to complete the works of household electrification by the 31st of December 2018. The beneficiaries for free electricity connections would be identified using Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) 2011 data. However, un-electrified households not covered under the SECC data would also be provided electricity connections … Read more

DMPQ:What is Emotional Intelligence? List down itsapplication.

It is the ability to understand and regulate our emotions and that of others tohandle interpersonal relationships effectivelyIntelligence alone means the ability to acquire and apply knowledgeEI is inclusive of self awareness, self regulation, empathy, social skills and Motivation.  The major application are: Improve the performance of individual worker Improve in overall organisational performance Increase … Read more

DMPQ: write down the features of Indian society. ( Society)

  Highly evolved society. Assimilatory in character. Presence of highly developed social institutions. A mix of traditionalism and modernity is also visible in Indian society. A balance of spiritualism and Modernity. Secular outlook and tolerant behaviour. Indian society is majorly patriarchal ( add patrilocal and patrilineal)in character. Indian society is multi class in character. Multi … Read more

DMPQ:Write down the objectives of padebharat and bhadebharat.

a) To enable children to become motivated, independent and engaged readers and writers with comprehension possessing sustainable and lasting reading and writing skills and achieve learnings level appropriate to the class of study. b) To make the children understand the reasoning in the domains of number, measurement and shapes, and enable them to become independent … Read more

DMPQ: What is standing committee? Write down its function.

The standing committees are permanent and regular in nature. They are constituted from time to time according to the provisions of an Act of Parliament or Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business. Both the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha have a standing committee of their own.   Functions of Standing Committees One of the … Read more

DMPQ:What is YAMANAKA gene? Write down its application

Yamanaka genes are group of four essential genes in our body that are responsible for regenerating old cells or growing new cells.They are also know as OSKM(Oct4,Sox2,Klf4 &Myc) & are named after Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka. Significance of Yamanaka Genes: Major significance is that the introduction of these genes can convert adult cells into pluripotent stem … Read more

DMPQ-Write down the potential of big data analytics in various sectors.

Government: The Indian Government utilizes numerous techniques to ascertain how people areresponding to government action, as well as ideas for policy augmentation. Healthcare: Big data analytics plays a vital role in improving services and tackling some of theforemost challenges in the healthcare sector, especially in terms of patient profile analysis,genomic analysis, public health monitoring, diagnosis … Read more

DMPQ: Jinnah turn down Rajagopalchari proposal as it offered a ‘Mutilated and moth-eaten Pakistan. What was the Rajagopalchari formula? ( History)

C rajagopalchari tried to resolve the deadlock between muslim league and Congress to arrive at a solution. He proposed a formula to address the issues between the two different political entity. The plan was given in 1944 and a formula to hold talks with jinnah. The following is the formula: The muslim league while endorsing … Read more

DMPQ: What is SEBI? Write down its functions

SEBI stands for securities and exchange board of India. It was set up through a government resolution in an effort to give the Indian stock market an organised structure. Its initial paid up capital up was Rs. 50 Crore.   Main functions and powers of the SEBI are as follows: Registering and stock exchanges, merchant … Read more