Discuss the following: a) Corruption perception index b) Press freedom index c) Global peace index d) World investment report

a) Corruption perception index: Released by berlin based non- government organisation Transparency International. India’s ranking slid to 81 among a group of 180 countries. b) Press freedom index: The Press Freedom Index is an annual ranking of countries compiled and published byReporters without Borders based upon the organisation’s own assessment of thecountries’ press freedom records … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the following terms: a) IMPRINT b) STAR

IMPRINT: IMPRINT is the first of its kind MHRD supported Pan-IIT + IISc joint initiative to address the major science and engineering challenges that India must address and champion to enable, empower and embolden the nation for inclusive growth and self-reliance. This novel initiative with twofold mandate is aimed at: (a) Developing new engineering education … Read more

DMPQ: What is interest subvention scheme? Discuss its salient features

Interest subvention scheme was launched to make available agricultural credit for short term crop loans at an affordable rate to give boost to agriculture productivity and production in the country. The salient features of the scheme are as follows:   It provides concessional of 2% per annum for crop loans to farmers, upto Rs. 3 … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss special features of Jute Industry of India

The Jute industry occupies an important place in the national economy of India. It is one of the major industries in the eastern region, particularly in West Bengal. Jute, the golden fibre, meets all the standards for ‘safe’ packaging in view of being a natural, renewable, biodegradable and eco-friendly product. It is estimated that that … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the evolution of civil services in India? (History)

Lord Cornwallis is usually known as the Father of civil services in India. He had introduced the Covenanted Civil Services and the Uncovenanted Civil Services. The Covenanted Civil Services was created out of the Law of the Company. It was the higher civil services and comprised, almost exclusively, of Europeans who were paid very high … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the provisions under article 356. (POLITY)

President rule can be imposed under article 356 in the event of constitutional breakdown of the state.  After invocation of the article, the state comes under the direct control of the central government. Executive authority us exercised through governor, who has the authority to appoint retired civil servants or other administrators to assist him. In … Read more

DMPQ: What is ‘Pratyush’? Discuss its advantage. (Science)

 Pratyush is an array of computers that will be used for weather and climate research. Pratyush is the fourth fastest supercomputer in the world dedicated to weather and climate research and follows machines in Japan, USA and the United Kingdom. Pratyush is an array of computers that can deliver a peak power of 6.8 petaflops … Read more