Agricultural Crops of India

  Crop State Prod Prod Yield Rainfall Temp Soil % (Mil Kg/Ha cm Deg C T) Rice W. Bengal 15 87 1900 125-200 cm >23 C Deep Fertile UP 14 Clayey or loamy Andhra Pr 13 soil Punjab 11 Wheat UP 35 74 2700 80 cm 10-25 C Light loam   Punjab 20 Sandy Loam … Read more

DMPQ: Explain the Crop breeding and the introduction of GM crops for food production.

Conventional breeding, especially of crops, livestock and fish, focuses principally on increased productivity, increased resistance to diseases and pests, and enhanced quality with respect to nutrition and food processing. Advances in cellular genetics and cell biology methods in the 1960s contributed to the so-called ‘green revolution’ that significantly increased varieties of staple food crops containing … Read more

DMPQ:Write short note on Genetic modified crops.

Genetically modified crops are plants used in agriculture, the DNA of which has beenmodified using genetic engineering techniques. The aim is to introduce a new trait to the plant which does not occur naturally in thespecies. In food crops include resistance to certain pests, diseases, or environmentalconditions, and improving the nutrient profile of the crop. … Read more

Geographical condition and distribution of major crops, like,Rice, Wheat,Cotton, Jute, Sugarcane, Rubber, Tea and Coffee

  Rice The rice is cultivated on the largest areas in India. Historians believe that while the indica variety of rice was first domesticated in the area covering the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas (i.e. north-eastern India).Rice is a nutritional staple food which provides instant energy as its most important component is carbohydrate (starch). Rice … Read more

Green Revolution and its impact on major crops of India

  The Green Revolution was initiated in the 1960’s to address the issue of malnutrition in the developing world. The technology of the Green Revolution involved bio-engineered seeds that worked in conjunction with chemical fertilizers and heavy irrigation to increase crop yields. Green Revolution was largely confined in wheat crop and in northern India such … Read more

What is Mixed cropping? What is the criteria for the selection of crops during mixed cropping? Write down the advantages of mixed cropping? (science)

The practice of cultivating two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land is called mixed cropping. During mixed cropping, if one crop faces adverse conditions or pathogen attack then the other crop can be saved.The basic objective in mixed cropping is to minimize the risk and insure against the crop failure due to … Read more