DMPQ: Write in brief on non-conventional sources of energy

Wind Energy India‘s wind power potential has been assessed at 48500 MW. The current technical potential is estimated at about 13 000 MW, assuming 20% grid penetration, which would increase with the augmentation of grid capacity in potential states. The state-wise gross and technical potentials are given below India is implementing the world’s largest wind … Read more

DMPQ: Explain in brief the provisions of POSCO ( Acts) (Polity)

With the intent to effectively address the evil of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children, Protection Of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO) was passed by the parliament in the year 2012. “Children” according to the Act are individuals aged below 18 years. The Act is gender neutral. Different forms of sexual abuse including … Read more

DMPQ: Why there is a need of environmental law ? Discuss in brief the problems in nuking and implementing the environmental laws.

the understanding of laws in general and environmental laws in particular by the public is limited. This is partly because environmental laws are written using complicated language that is very difficult for the public to understand. many communities, organizations, and companies still operate for short-term gains, without consideration of long-term targets or impacts on the … Read more

Indian Telecom Industry With Brief History

 Indian telecom industry with brief history India’s telecommunication network is the second largest in the world by number of telephone users (both fixed and mobile phone) with 1.153 billion subscribers as on 31 May 2018. It has one of the lowest call tariffs in the world enabled by mega telecom operators and hyper-competition … Read more

Indian Telecom Industry With Brief History

 Indian telecom industry with brief history India’s telecommunication network is the second largest in the world by number of telephone users (both fixed and mobile phone) with 1.153 billion subscribers as on 31 May 2018. It has one of the lowest call tariffs in the world enabled by mega telecom operators and hyper-competition … Read more

DMPQ:What is nano-technology? Write in brief about its possible applications

Nanotechnology relates to the technology of rearranging and processing of atoms and molecules to fabricate material to Nano specifications such as nano meters, the technology will enable scientist and engineers to see and manipulate matter at the molecular level atom by atom create new structure with fundamentally new molecular organic material and exploit the novel … Read more

DMPQ: Write in brief about causes and solutions of climate change.

Climate Change It is the long term change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods of time Though it has been happening naturally for millions of years, in recent years it has accelerated due to anthropogenic causes and has been causing global warming. UNFCCC defines climate change as – “a change of climate … Read more

DMPQ:Write in brief on e-waste management.

The rapid growth of technology, upgradation of technical innovations and a high rate of obsolescence in the electronics industry have led to one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world which consist of end of life electrical and electronic equipment products. It comprises a whole range of electrical and electronic items such as … Read more

DMPQ: Write in brief on the achievements of Green Revolution in India

The main achievements of Green Revolution may be summarized as under: The production and productivity of wheat, rice, maize, and bajra has increased substantially. India has become almost self-sufficient in the matter of staple foods. The double cropped area has increased; thereby intensification of the Indian agriculture has increased. In the areas where Green Revolution … Read more