DMPQ: What is Basel accord? What are the different BASEL norms? ( economy)

The set of the agreement by the BCBS (BASEL COMMITTEE ON BANKING SUPERVISION), which mainly focuses on risks to banks and the financial system are called Basel accord.  The purpose of the accord is to ensure that financial institutions have enough capital on account to meet the obligations and absorb unexpected losses.  India has accepted … Read more DMPQ: What is Basel accord? What are the different BASEL norms? ( economy)

DMPQ:Write a short note on the BASEL convention on trans boundary movement of Hazardous waste, 1989.

. The industrialized world in the 1980s had led to increasing public resistance to the disposal of hazardous wastes – in accordance with what became known as the NIMBY (Not in My Back Yard) syndrome– and to an increase of disposal costs. This in turn led some operators to seek cheap disposal options for hazardous wastes … Read more DMPQ:Write a short note on the BASEL convention on trans boundary movement of Hazardous waste, 1989.