DMPQ- Explain the method of Chlorination for water purification.

Chlorine is a powerful chemical that has been in use for many years to treat water for home consumption. Chlorine is an effective water purification method that kills germs, parasites and other disease-causing organisms found in ground or tap water. Water can be purified using chlorine tablets or liquid chlorine. As an off-the-shelf water purification … Read more

DMPQ- Biotech-KISAN scheme

Biotech-KISAN scheme is a farmer centric scheme for farmers, developed by and with farmers. It is a Pan-India program, following a hub-and spoke model and stimulates entrepreneurship and innovation in farmers and empowers women. The Biotech- KISAN Hubs are expected to fulfil the technology requirement to generate agriculture and bio-resource related jobs and better livelihood … Read more

DMPQ- Write Short Note on National Supercomputing Mission. (SCIENCE)

The Mission envisages empowering our national academic and R&D institutions spread over the country by installing a vast supercomputing grid comprising of more than 70 high-performance computing facilities. These supercomputers will also be networked on the National Supercomputing grid over the National Knowledge Network (NKN). The Mission would be implemented and steered jointly by the … Read more

DMPQ-What do you understand by the following term: a) Axis of Evil b) Golden crescent c) Golden triangle

Axis of evil: Axis of evil, expression used to describe the bellicose tendencies of Iran, North Korea, and Iraq in the early 21st century. The phrase was coined by Canadian-born U.S. presidential speechwriter David Frum and presidential aide Michael Gerson for use by U.S. President George W. Bush in his 2002 State of the Union address. b) Golden crescent: The Golden Crescent is a mountainous area of Iran, … Read more

DMPQ: Write short note on S 400

Features of S 400: It is among the best air defence systems. It is based on a multifunctional system that can drop missiles at different speeds. It can target aircrafts (up to 5th generations), cruise and ballistic missiles by supersonic and hypersonic missiles of the system. It can address the incoming targets at a range … Read more

DMPQ- Mention the Technological aspects of agricultural biotechnology.

Genetic engineering Scientists have learned how to move genes from one organism to another. This has been called genetic modification (GM), genetic engineering (GE) or genetic improvement (GI). Regardless of the name, the process allows the transfer of useful characteristics (such as resistance to a disease) into a plant, animal or microorganism by inserting genes … Read more

DMPQ- Differentiate between deep web and dark web.

The Deep Web (also known as the Undernet, invisible Web and hidden Web, among other monikers) consists of data that you won’t locate with a simple Google search. The deep web, invisible web, or hidden web are parts of the World Wide Web whose contents are not indexed by standard web search engines. The opposite … Read more

DMPQ-What do you understand by quantum technology? What are the application?

Quantum Technology is based on the principles of Quantum mechanics, that was developed in the early 20th century to describe nature in the small — at the scale of atoms and elementary particles.The first phase of this revolutionary technology has provided the foundations of our understanding of the physical world, including the interaction of light and … Read more