DMPQ-What do you understand by the term seeker technology and 5G Technology?

  Seeker Technology :The seeker technology is a critical technology that determines the accuracy of a missile. So far, the seeker technology had come from Russia.   The technology is a closely guarded secret.  Mastering it is a significant milestone in missile technology and would reduce import dependence.  The seeker was developed by Research Centre Imarat … Read more

Quick Revision- Type of Missile

INTEGRATED MISSILE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME:   Missile Type Remark Prithvi Short range Surface to Surface ballistic missile – The Prithvi missile is a family of tactical surface-to-surface short-range ballistic missiles (SRBM) and is India’s first indigenously developed ballistic missile. Development of the Prithvi began in 1983, and it was first test-fired on 25 February 1988 from Sriharikota, … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the functioning of Dry cell.

Dry cell batteries create electrical energy by converting chemical energy into electricity. The exact means of doing so depends on the type of dry cell battery in question, but the materials that are used are generally zinc and carbon or zinc and manganese dioxide. These materials are placed within the electrolyte paste within the battery. … Read more

DMPQ:Write a short note on cells of Human Immune system.

The immune system is a complex network of cells and organs that work together to defend against Foreign substances. There are various cells associated with immune system: B-cell: It is a type of white blood cell that makesantibodies. Antibodies are large Y-shaped proteinswhich bind to specific antigens. This signals theother cells of the immune system … Read more

DMPQ- What is LED? Why its popularity increasing?

A Light Emitting Diode (LED) is one of the latest inventions and is extensively used these days. From your cell phone to the large advertising display boards, the wide range of applications of these magical light bulbs can be witnessed almost everywhere. Today their popularity and applications are increasing rapidly due to some remarkable properties … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the effect of COVID-19 on Hospitality Industry.

The hospitality industry is a broad category of fields within the service industry that includes lodging, food and drink service, event planning, theme parks, and transportation. It includes hotels, restaurants and bars. CoVID affect: Loss of business and loss of revenue due to Lock down and ban on travelling. Piling up of debt on the … Read more

DMPQ: What is regulatory sandbox and How it is beneficial?

A regulatory sandbox (RS) usually refers to live testing of new products or services in a controlled/test regulatory environment for which regulators may (or may not) permit certain regulatory relaxations for the limited purpose of the testing. The RS allows the regulator, the innovators, the financial service providers (as potential deployers of the technology) and … Read more

DMPQ- RAISE 2020- ‘Responsible AI for Social Empowerment 2020,’

The Government of India is organizing the Global Virtual Summit on Artificial Intelligence (AI), RAISE 2020- ‘Responsible AI for Social Empowerment 2020,’ Artificial Intelligence is considered to be the next giant technological leap similar to electricity and the internet. With AI possessing the power to radically transform the economic and social fabric of the world … Read more