
 The Seuna, Sevuna or of Devagiri (c. 850–1334) was an Indian dynasty, which at its peak ruled a kingdom stretching from the Tungabhadra to the Narmada rivers, including present-day Maharashtra, north Karnataka and parts of Madhya Pradesh, from its capital at Devagiri (present-day Daulatabad in modern Maharashtra). The initially ruled as feudatories of the … Read more

DMPQ: Peasants condition got deteriorated during the British Rule. In this context give the reasons for impoverished condition of Peasants. ( Modern History)

Impoverishment of peasantry was one of the outcome of British policies. The agrarian and the industrial sector was hit hard by the Britishers rules and regulation. These were framed to serve the ultimate interest of British rules. The colonial economic policies and commercialisation of agriculture were major reasons for destruction of self sufficient village system. … Read more

DMPQ: What are fronts? Name the different type of fronts. (Geography)

When two large air masses meet, the boundary that separates them is called a front. Fronts represent fairly abrupt transitions between two large air masses.  This means that when two different bodies of air come together, they do not readily mix. Rather, each body of air will retain its individual properties, and a boundary forms … Read more

11-06-2020 Daily APSC Current Affairs

ASSAM   IIT Guwahati students’ startup Flyzy develops mobile application for contactless travel Students of Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati have developed a mobile application, called ‘Flyzy’, to provide a seamless air travelling experience to passengers during the pandemic. The mission is to build Flyzy into India’s finest aviation IT technology company for providing a … Read more

DMPQ- . As per Global Climate Risk Index, India’s rank has worsened from 14th spot to 5th most vulnerable country to climate change. Discuss the implications of this report.

Food Security  Rising temperatures, heat extremes, floods, droughts and rainfall variability can disrupt rainfed agricultural food production and adversely impact crop yield.  For instance, as per a NITI Aayog document, of the total pulses, oilseeds and cotton produced in the country, 80% pulses, 73% oilseeds and 68% cotton come from rain-fed agriculture. Water Security Droughts … Read more

15.02.19 APSC (Assam) Current Affairs

ASSAM   ·        Challachitram National Film Festival to begin from March 1 ð Challachitram National Film Festival will be held at Guwahati in March 2019, with a special award for entries from the northeastern region. ð The theme of this  three-day film festival is ‘Our Heritage, Our Pride’. ð Chalachitram is a Guwahati-based organisation working … Read more

DMPQ- . Discuss the linkages between terrorism and organized crime.

Money through money laundering is used to fund the terror organisations. Hawala transactions of real estate in India are said to be used by terror groups in Pakistan to fund its activities. Drug trafficking started as an organised crime and has emerged as a threat to nation states because of its association with terrorist groups. … Read more

Ohms And Resistance

 Electric current Ohm’s law and Resistance   Electrical current is the flow of charged particles. The flow of charges will be constant in current electricity. Electric current flows from higher electric potential to lower electric potential. For the current to flow, it requires a circuit which is closed loop of a conducting material. … Read more