Youth Unrest And Commercialization Of Education

 youth unrest and commercialization of education There are four reasons why every nation regards the advancement of its youth as its primary duty. The first is that the youth possess vigour and inventiveness. It is in their strength and in their inventive genius that the hopes of a bright future are centered. The … Read more

DMPQ-Why did youth were not in conformity with the ideals of moderates during freedom struggle? (Indian History)

Not contented with the political mendicancy of the ‘moderates’ and the inefficient decisionmaking of the ‘extremist’, the advent of individual and revolutionary terrorism was gettingprominence in the freedom struggle.Indian youth resort to revolutionary terrorism during the independence struggle in threephases: like post Bengal patrician, between NCM and CDM, and last phase post Quit IndiaMovement. The … Read more

Youth Unrest And Commercialization Of Education

 youth unrest and commercialization of education There are four reasons why every nation regards the advancement of its youth as its primary duty. The first is that the youth possess vigour and inventiveness. It is in their strength and in their inventive genius that the hopes of a bright future are centered. The … Read more