The Asiatic Society of bengal

? founded in 1784, by Sir William Jones, a British lawyer and Orientalist, to encourage Oriental studies. ? it was the vehicle for his ideas about the importance of Hindu culture and learning and about the vital role of Sanskrit in the Aryan languages. ? Headquarters are in Kolkata. ? The society owns an art collection … Read more

DMPQ: write down the features of Indian society. ( Society)

  Highly evolved society. Assimilatory in character. Presence of highly developed social institutions. A mix of traditionalism and modernity is also visible in Indian society. A balance of spiritualism and Modernity. Secular outlook and tolerant behaviour. Indian society is majorly patriarchal ( add patrilocal and patrilineal)in character. Indian society is multi class in character. Multi … Read more

DMPQ: What are the causes of diversity in Indian society? (sociology)

Write down Intro Factors: Historical reasons: oldest society in the world. Long time period had led to growth of various social institution in its own way. Geographical reasons: Earlier the geographical barrier were difficult to crossed and hence become the cause for isolation and hence independent development which led to variety. Economic factors: Trade and … Read more

Influence Of Indian Cinema And Theatre On Society

 Influence of Indian Cinema and Theatre on Society The earliest form of classical theatre of India was the Sanskrit theatre which came into existence only after the development of Greek and Roman theatres in the west. (Despite its name, Sanskrit theatre was not exclusively in Sanskrit languageOther Indic languages collectively called as Prakrit … Read more

Coperative Society

 Co-operative movement in India and M.P The cooperative movement in India has its origin in agriculture and allied sectors. The first Cooperative Credit Societies Act was enacted in 1904.Subsequently a more comprehensive legislation called the Cooperative Societies Act was enacted. This Act provided for the creation of the post of registrar of cooperative … Read more

DMPQ- Concept of Total Revolution of Indian Society.

The germs of the concept of Total Revolution lie deeply embedded in Gandhi’s teachings to which Jayaprakash Narayan, the leader of Total Revolution turned as a result of his disillusionment with what might be called “conventional wisdom of revolution and conventional technique” of change. Total Revolution is a further extension of Gandhi’s thought on socio-economic … Read more

Coperative Society

 Co-operative movement in India and M.P The cooperative movement in India has its origin in agriculture and allied sectors. The first Cooperative Credit Societies Act was enacted in 1904.Subsequently a more comprehensive legislation called the Cooperative Societies Act was enacted. This Act provided for the creation of the post of registrar of cooperative societies … Read more

Civil Society And Political Movement

 Civil Society and Political Movement   Civil society, Faced to the centralised power of the State, first has a role of enabling the hitherto voiceless and unorganised communities interests to be represented. In other term, the sphere of civil society has a goal of empowerment for local communities. In that specific function, civil … Read more

DMPQ: Write an Essay on Civil Society and Political movement in India.

Civil Society and Political movement in India   India is a civilized country with rich cultural heritage. With the advent of the Britishers, western values entered in this society. There was a conflict between the modernity and age old traditional values. While some blindly followed the modern life of the west, revivalists like Dayananda and … Read more