DMPQ: What were the main features of the Nature of peasant movement in India?

The characteristics of Peasant movement were: Movements were localised in character and did not leave and successor. The revolts were against the zamindars and money lenders. Unlike Tribal uprising the movements were not against the British colonialism and their exploitative policy. The revolts were characterised by hindu Muslim unity. Pre mutiny the movements were highly … Read more

DMPQ- What are the main causes of Industrial sickness ?

Industrial sickness has become a major problem of the India’s corporate private sec­tor. Of late, it has assumed serious proportions. A close look reveals that there are, at least, five major causes of industrial sickness, viz., promotional, managerial, technical, financial and political. An industrial unit may become sick at its nascent stage or after working … Read more

DMPQ- What are the main objectives of Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH)?

Main objectives of the Mission are: Promote holistic growth of horticulture sector, including bamboo and coconut through area based regionally differentiated strategies, which includes research, technology promotion, extension, post harvest management, processing and marketing, in consonance with comparative advantage of each State/region and its diverse agro-climatic features; Encourage aggregation of farmers into farmer groups like … Read more

DMPQ- What are the main objectives of Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan

  To ensure that all secondary schools have physical facilities, staffs and supplies at least according to the prescribed standards through financial support in case of Government/ Local Body and Government aided schools, and appropriate regulatory mechanism in the case of other schools. To improve access to secondary schooling to all young persons according to … Read more

DMPQ- What are the main features of Mesolithic period Art?

Mesolithic period Art: The largest number of paintings belongs to this period. Themes multiply but the paintings are small in size. Hunting scenes predominate Hunters in groups armed with barbed spears pointed sticks, arrows, and bows. Trap and snares used to catch animals can be seen in some paintings. Mesolithic people loved to point animals. … Read more

DMPQ- What are the main effects of Doctrine of Lapse?

Effects of Doctrine of Lapse: Many Indian states lost their sovereignty and became British territories. This led to a lot of unrest among the Indian princes. A lot of people were unhappy with the ‘illegal’ nature of this doctrine and this was one of the causes of the Indian Revolt of 1857. Nana Sahib and … Read more

DMPQ- Highlight the Main Differences Between Mathura School of Arts and Gandhara School of Arts.

Main Differences Between Mathura School of Arts and Gandhara School of Arts-   (1) Origin Mathura School: No foreign Influence, however, later it cross fertilized with the Gandhara School. Its development took place indigenously. Gandhara School: Strong Greek influence.  Was based on Greco-Roman norms encapsulating foreign techniques and an alien spirit. It is also known as Graeco-Buddhist … Read more

DMPQ- What are the main Causes of refugee crisis?

Religious/Racial/Political Persecution The most common reason people become refugees is persecution — which can take on many forms: religious, national, social, racial, or political.  When it comes to religious refugees in the United States, the split between Christians and Muslims is quite even. According to Pew, 46% of refugees in 2016 who came to the … Read more

DMPQ: Outline the main principles of Indian Foreign policy at the time of Independence.( International relations)

Main features: Panchsheel: Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty Non-aggression against each other. Non-interference in each other’s internal affairs. Equality and mutual benefit. Peaceful co-existence. Policy of Non alignment Policy of resisting colonialism, Imperialism and Racism Peaceful settlement of international disputes Support to UN, International law and just and equal world order … Read more

DMPQ- What are the main functions of Trade Unions in India?

Functions of Trade Unions in India Collective Bargaining-Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has defined Collective bargaining as“the technique by which dispute as to conditions of employment is resolved amicably by agreement rather than coercion”in this process negotiations and discussions take place between employer and employee in respect to working conditions.Refusing to bargain collectively is an … Read more