Earth’s Interior – Earthquake Waves – Shadow Zone

  Most of the knowledge we have about Earth’s deep interior comes from the fact that seismic waves penetrate the Earth and are recorded on the other side.  Earthquake ray paths and arrival times are more complex than illustrated in the animations, because velocity in the Earth does not simply increase with depth. Velocities generally … Read more Earth’s Interior – Earthquake Waves – Shadow Zone

DMPQ: Describe the interior of the earth and its composition.

Crust: The outer most layer or shell of the earth is known as earth’s crust. On an average it is 30km deep. It can be up to 70km under high mountains and up to 8km under ocean. It represents less than 1% of earth’s total volume and its average density is 2.7 gm/cm3. It is … Read more DMPQ: Describe the interior of the earth and its composition.