DMPQ- Highlight the economics of Climate Change.

Abatement of GHGs, particularly CO2 , implies curtailment of energy consumption. Energy is a vital factor of production, and its replacement and/or reduction will entail a shift away from current production methods. If current systems employ efficient production techniques, a change in factor proportions will increase the cost of production, and have an adverse impact … Read more

Science And Economics Of Climate Change

 Science and economics of climate change Science of climate change The atmosphere functions as a ‘greenhouse’ and insulates the earth from extremes of temperature. The greenhouse effect works in the following manner. Of the incoming short-wave radiation from the sun, one-third is reflected, and the atmosphere, ocean, ice, land, and biota absorb the … Read more

DPPQ- Basics of Economics

Question:Brach of Economics which examines the economic behaviour of Individual actors is >>>Macroeconomics >>>Microeconomics >>>Mesoeconomics >>>Metaeconomics >>>option2 Question:Brach of Economics which studies the intermediate level of economic organizations is >>>Macroeconomics >>>Microeconomics >>>Mesoeconomics >>>Metaeconomics >>>option3 Question:Study of Poverty and Inflation is the scope of >>>Macroeconomics >>>Microeconomics >>>Mesoeconomics >>>Metaeconomics >>>option1 Question:Keynesian macronimics suggests the following policies >>>contraction … Read more

Public Economics

Public Economics

Study of economic efficiency, distribution and government economic policy.

Developed out of the original political economy of JS Mill and David Ricardo. It is a very important branch of economics because of the foundation it provides for practical policy analysis.

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