DPPQ- Indus Valley Civilization

Question:-Harappa was first discovered in 1919 1921 1923 1925 option2   Question:-Harappa was discovered by Dayaram Saini D. Banarjee Sir John Marshal P. Joshi option1   Question:-Mohenjodaro was discovered by Dayaram Saini D. Banarjee Sir John Marshal P. Joshi option2   Question:-Dholavira was discovered by Dayaram Saini D. Banarjee Sir John Marshal P. Joshi option4 … Read more


Question:Machineries in an industry are an example of >>>Working Capital >>>Fixed Capital >>>Financial Capital >>>Production Capital >>>option2 Question:Finished goods in an industry are an example of >>>Working Capital >>>Fixed Capital >>>Financial Capital >>>Production Capital >>>option1 Question:Money invested by a venture capitalist in an industry is an example of >>>Working Capital >>>Fixed Capital >>>Financial Capital >>>Production … Read more

DPPQ- Major Articles of Indian Constitution

Uniform Civil Code is mentioned in the article 32 42 44 34 option3   Question:-Organization of Village Panchayat  is mentioned in the article 38 42 44 40 option4   Question:-Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institute  is mentioned in the article 27 28 29 30 option4   Question:-Freedom of speech is protected  under … Read more

DPPQ- Indian Pre History Part 1

Question:Which of the following site is considered to be the earliest lower palaeolithic sites in India >>>Bori >>>lingsugur >>>Bhimbedka >>>Belan Valley Question:Which of the following is known as old stone age(500,000 B.C to 8000 B.C.) >>>Paleolothic >>>Mesolithic >>>Neolithic >>>Chalcolithic Question:Which of the following is known as Middle stone age(8000 B.C to 6000 B.C.) >>>Mesolithic >>>Paleolothic … Read more