DMPQ:Discuss the characteristics of the Chola art and their contribution in the field of art and architecture. (Ancient Art)

Cholas were great patron of art and architecture. Brihadeshwar temple and bronze sculpture of Nataraj are testimony to that. Cholas built many temples throughout their kingdoms. For example temple at Narthamalai, kumbakonam, etc. The major features of Chola art and architecture are as follows:   Architecture: Use of local stones They followed the pallava style … Read more

DMPQ:Discuss types of soils and their distribution in India

According to ICAR Indian soils are classified as:- Alluvial soils:-Alluvial soils are formed mainly due to silt deposited by Indo Gangetic Brahmaputra rivers. In coastal regions some alluvial deposits are formed due to wave action. Black soils:-The black soils are found mainly on the Deccan lava region covering large parts of Maharashtra, some parts of … Read more