Techniques Of Irrigation And Soil Conservations And Soil Health Cards

 Techniques of irrigation and soil conservations and soil health cards Techniques of irrigation Surface Irrigation In this method water flows and spreads over the surface of the land. Varied quantities of water are allowed on the fields at different times. Hence, flow of water under surface irrigation comes under unsteady flow. As a … Read more Techniques Of Irrigation And Soil Conservations And Soil Health Cards

DMPQ- What are Soil health cards?

Soil Health Card (SHC) is a Government of India’s scheme promoted by the Department of Agriculture & Co-operation under the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare. It is being implemented through the Department of Agriculture of all the State and Union Territory Governments. A SHC is meant to give each farmer soil nutrient status of … Read more DMPQ- What are Soil health cards?