social security benefits is one of the most important aspect of welfare state. In this context discuss the provisions of Pradhan mantrivayavandanda yojana.( Schemes)

with the rise in average life expectancy there is a need to provide the senior citizens with social security. Hence government of India came up with PMVVY to provide pension and hence income security.   Eligibility   A senior citizen above the age of 60 years of age will fall under the scheme.   Available … Read more social security benefits is one of the most important aspect of welfare state. In this context discuss the provisions of Pradhan mantrivayavandanda yojana.( Schemes)

DMPQ:Financial inclusion is a significant aspect with respect to our economy. What is the significance of Financial Inclusion? What are the measures taken for Financial Inclusion?

Financial inclusion has been recognised as a key building block which will form the foundation for achieving several of UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.  As a construct, it provides much more than access to financial services.  In a country like India, till a few years ago, a bank account was a source of pride.  If properly … Read more DMPQ:Financial inclusion is a significant aspect with respect to our economy. What is the significance of Financial Inclusion? What are the measures taken for Financial Inclusion?