DMPQ- Explain the constitutional provisions associated with special officer for linguistic minorities.

Originally, the Constitution of India did not make any provision with respect to the Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities. Later, the States Reorganisation Commission (1953-55) made a recommendation in this regard. Accordingly, the Seventh Constitutional Amendment Act of 1956 inserted a new Article 350-B in Part XVII of the Constitution 2 . This article contains … Read more

DMPQ: In Subash kashinath Mahajan Vs the state of Maharashtra case , Supreme Court opined that SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act (PoA act) is being misused and checks are needed to prevent such misuse. In this context discuss the provision of the bill?

SC observed that the act has become the tool to persecute innocents and public servants for political and personal gains. This claim has been validated by Parliamentary standing committee report.  So SC banned arrest under the act, without proper nod from officials. It also held that a court can grant anticipatory bail in case of … Read more

DMPQ: Identify the few shortcomings of the election system in India

rigging of election and booth capturing use of caste and religion in election Misuse of official machinery Criminalization of politics Maintenance and auditing of accounts by political parties is not fully transparent RTI not applicable to political parties Effect of pressure groups Misuse of mass and social media (fake news) Communalism Low voter turnout

DMPQ:What is Private Member Bill and Public Bill? (polity)

Private member bill is introduced by the member other than the minister. It reflects the stand of opposition party on public matter. It has lesser chance to be approved by the Parliament.Its rejection by the House has no implication on the parliamentary confidence inthe government or its resignation. Its introduction in the House requires one … Read more

DMPQ: What is the amendment procedure in Indian Constitution?

Procedure for amendment is laid down in article 368 part XX of the Indian constitution.  Following is the procedure for the amendment of the constitution: Amendment of the constitution can be initiated only by the introduction of a bill in either of the house. State legislature cannot introduce a bill for CA. The bill must … Read more

DMPQ- What are the sailent features of The Competition Act, 2002

Salient Features Anti Agreements Enterprises, persons or associations of enterprises or persons, including cartels, shall not enter into agreements in respect of production, supply, distribution, storage, acquisition or control of goods or provision of services, which cause or are likely to cause an “appreciable adverse impact” on competition in India. Such agreements would consequently be … Read more