Indian Freedom Struggle 8

 SECOND WORLD WAR AND INDIAN NATIONALISTS  In September 1939, the Second World War broke out. Indian opinion was not sought but the British government dragged India in the war as a party. Britain which claimed to be fighting for freedom had destroyed the freedom of the Indian people and had dragged India into … Read more

Philosophy Thinkers

     Saint Anselm Ontological argument for the existence of God   Ontological arguments are arguments, for the conclusion that God exists, from premises which are supposed to derive from some source other than observation of the world—e.g., from reason alone. In other words, ontological arguments are arguments from what are typically alleged … Read more

Development Of Posts And Telegraph During The British Rule

 Development of Posts and Telegraph:-   Posts Britain’s involvement in the postal services of India began in the eighteenth century. Initially the service was administered by the East India Company who established post offices in Mumbai, Chennai and Calcutta (now Kolkata) between 1764 and 1766. East India Company and the British Post Office … Read more

Vinayak Damodar Savarkar

 Vinayak Damodar Savarkar Vinayak Damodar Savarkar,Bombay, Hindu and Indian nationalist and leading figure in the Hindu Mahasabha (“Great Society of Hindus”), a Hindu nationalist organization and political party. While a student of law in London (1906–10), Savarkar helped to instruct a group of Indian revolutionaries in methods of sabotage and assassination that associates … Read more

Lord Cornwallis

 Lord Cornwallis (1786 – 1793) Introduction Lord Cornwallis, a warrior-statesman. He succeeded Warren Hastings as Governor-General in 1786. He belonged to an influential and aristocratic family which had wider political connections. He was also a close friend of Prime Minister Pitt. Dundas, the most influential member of the Board of Control … Read more

11.Cultural Achievements Of Pallavas

 Civilization and Culture of the Pallavas The Pallava rule formed a golden epoch in the cultural history of south India. The period under the Pallavas was marked by considerable literary activities and cultural revival. The Pallavas warmly patronized Sanskrit language and most of the literary records of the time were composed in that … Read more

The Palas

 Introduction After the death of Harsha and up to the rise of the Palas, the history of Bengal is not clear. During this time, West Bengal was known as Gauda and East Bengal as Vanga. Bengal was subject to internal disorder, which has been termed as Matsyanyaya. Rulers of Pala Dynasty Gopala was the elected king … Read more

Commissioner Rule

 The Commissioners Rule (1831-1881)         Following the annexation of Mysore to English East India Company the British began to administer the state of Mysore from 1831-1881 by creating a new office called the office of commissioners. Initially the office had two commissioners-colonels Briggs as the senior commissioner and Lushington as … Read more

Lord Auckland

   Lord Auckland, 1836-42   INTRODUCTION Lord Auckland was the Governor-General of India and had decided that Dost Mohammed could no longer be trusted after his invitation of Yan Vitkevich to Kabul in 1837. He sided with the pro-British Ranjit Singh in the border dispute over Peshawar. It was … Read more

Maharshi Karve

 Maharshi Karve Dhondo Keshav Karve, (born April 18, 1858, Sheravali, India—died November 9, 1962, Poona (Pune), Indian social reformer and educator, noted for supporting the education of women and for organizing associations for the remarriage of Hindu widows.  While an instructor in mathematics (1891–1914) at Fergusson College, Poona, Karve became concerned with breaking … Read more