Groups In Christianity (1)

 Groups  in Christianity: The roman Catholic church, The eastern arthodox church, and protestants churches Roman catholic church The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the largest Christian church, with more than 1.29 billion members worldwide. As one of the oldest religious institutions in the world, it has played a … Read more

Age Of Epics And Dharm Shastra

 Age of epics and Dharm shastra Age of epics The Epic age in India is named so because some of the greatest epics came into being during this time. The epic period is estimated to be roughly from 1000 to 600 B.C. The ancient Indian society is described in a very vivid manner … Read more

Shrinivas Ramanujan

 Shrinivas Ramanujan: Contribution to mathematics Srinivasa Ramanujan, an Indian mathematician was born in 22nd December, 1887 in Madras, India. Like Sophie Germain, he received no formal education in mathematics but made important contributions to advancement of mathematics. His chief contribution in mathematics lies mainly in analysis, game theory and infinite series. He made … Read more

The Mughals 2

   Humayun’s Conquest      Throughout the reign period (1530-1556), Humayun had faced many adverse conditions; however, he did not lose his patience rather fought with courage.    Born on 17 March 1508, Humayun succeeded Babur (his father) in December 1530 at the young age of 23.    Babur, because … Read more

Adi Andhra And Non Brahmins Movements

 Adi-Andhra The Adi Andhra are a Scheduled caste of people living in south India. A Scheduled caste means that they are disadvantaged and victims of past discrimination. The Indian government provides guaranteed places in education and public jobs for them. As of 2001 only about 60% of the Adi Andhra could read and … Read more

Saints And Social Reformers Of Uttarakhand

 Saints and Social Reformers of Uttarakhand Reminiscenes (Nantin Baba) The word Nantin, in the Uttarakhand parlance, connotes a child, and baba means a saint. Thus, Nantin baba means a child saint. A very young sadhu was first noticed roaming in the area extending from Bhowali to Gethia, near Nainital. Soon he … Read more

Growth Of Vernacular Languages

 Growth of Vernacular Languages, Scripts, Literature, Fine Arts Having discussed the origin and early development of Indian vernacular language, it is imperative to turn our attention towards production of bulk-loads of literature in each of these vernaculars by eminent literary stalwarts of successive generations. Emanating eventually in the form of poetry, each vernacular … Read more

Folk arts of India

Folk arts of India Madhubani Art Madhubani, practiced in the Mithilia region of India, is a famous form of folk art. It is done with the help of natural pigments and dyes. The equipment for painting is also usually hand crafted. Geometrical figures and vibrant use of colour are the most strking features of Madhubani … Read more

Philosophy Of Charvaka

 Philosophy of Charvaka Charvaka originally known as Lokāyata and Bārhaspatya, is the ancient school of Indian materialism. Charvaka holds direct perception, empiricism, and conditional inference as proper sources of knowledge, embraces philosophical skepticism and rejects Vedas, Vedic ritualism, and supernaturalism.  Ajita Kesakambali is credited as the forerunner of the Charvakas, while Brihaspati is … Read more

Deewans Of Mysore

 Progress of Mysore under the Dewans   The post of the Dewan was created as the head of the administrative machinery. The Wodeyars of Mysore were fortunate enough to have wise and able men as Dewans. These Dewans worked hard to make the state progressive progressive and model.         Dewans … Read more