The Age Of Buddha Important Cites In Uttar Pradesh

 Sarnath About 10 km. from the holy city of Varanasi, Sarnath is the place where more than 2,500 years ago Buddha delivered his first sermon after attaining enlightenment. An imposing conical structure, 34 meters in height, called Dhamek stupa signifies the “seat of the holy Buddha.” There are also the ruins of Dharmarajika … Read more


 Tughlaq Dynasty : Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, , Firoz Shah Tughlaq     Tughlaq Dynasty   Third of the five dynasties that ruled Delhi, the Tughluq Dynasty was, perhaps, one of the strongest of the Delhi Sultanates.The Tughlaqs were basically of Turkish origin and the family was essentially Muslim. Around the year 1321, Ghazi Tughlaq … Read more

Art Forms

 Indo-Greek Art and Architecture–Gandhara, Mathura and Amaravati Schools Cultural stonework in India – in the form of primitive cupule art– dates back to the era of prehistoric art of the Lower Paleolithic, around 700,000 BCE – see Bhimbetka Petroglyphs (Auditorium Cave and Daraki-Chattan Rock Shelter, Madhya Pradesh). By the time of the Bronze … Read more

Solanki Of Gujrat

 Solanki of Gujrat The Solanki dynasty ruled parts of what are now Gujarat and Kathiawar in India between 950-1300 CE. The kings of the dynasty used the self-designation Chaulukya, and are also known as the Chalukyas of Gujarat or as the Solanki Rajputs. The dynasty ended when Alauddin Khalji conquered Gujarat. Gujarat was … Read more


 Vakataks Vakataka dynasty, Indian ruling house originating in the central Deccan in the mid-3rd century CE, the empire of which is believed to have extended from Malwa and Gujarat in the north to the Tungabhadra in the south and from the Arabian Sea in the west to the Bay of Bengal in the … Read more

Growth Of Socialist And Communist Movements In British India

 Growth of Socialist and Communist Movements in British India Socialists in congress For first few years after the formation of Indian National Congress the Liberals who dominated over country’s political scene and led freedom struggle were Rightists. They had no contacts with the masses. They, believed in British sense of justice and were … Read more

Gorkha Invasion

 Gorkha invasion , nature and consequences The Gurkhas conquered Kumaon and Garhwal in 1804. After annexing these states, the Nepalese army, under the leadership of Amar Singh Thapa, and his son and his deputy Ranjor Singh Thapa, started making preparations for the conquest 6f the Punjab Hill States. However, in this region, their … Read more

7.The Kushanas

 The Kushanas: Short introduction In the early 2nd century BC, a tribe on the Central Asian frontier of China called Hsiung-nu defeated a neighboring one known as Yueh-chih. After more conflict, the survivors of the Yueh-chih were dislocated west, passing down the Ili river valley and along the southern shore of lake Issyk … Read more

Narayana Guru Social Reforms

 Narayana Guru social reforms Sri Narayana Guru was a prophet, sage and Hindu saint and also a social reformer of India. He was born in the family of Ezhavas, in a period when people from backward communities, like, the Ezhavas faced much social injustices in the caste-ridden Kerala society. Gurudevan, as he was … Read more

Annie Besant

 Annie Besant Annie Besant (1847–1933), second President of The Theosophical Society from 1907 to 1933, was described as a ‘Diamond Soul’, for she had many brilliant facets to her character. She was an outstanding orator of her time, a champion of human freedom, educationist, philanthropist, and author with more than three hundred books … Read more