DMPQ- A) Project Saksham B) Tejaswani

Project Saksham: The project is for creation of a New Indirect Tax Network (System Integration) of the Central Board of Excise and Customs.  The project will help in Implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST),  Extension of the Indian Customs Single Window Interface for Facilitating Trade (SWIFT) and  Other taxpayer-friendly initiatives under Digital India and … Read more

DMPQ: What are the key provisions of the Real estate regulation act? (ECONOMY)

    Establishment of state level regulatory authorities- Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA)- the Act provides for State governments to establish more than one regulatory authority Functions: Register and maintain a database of real estate projects; publish it on its website for public viewing, Protection of interest of promoters, buyers and real estate agents development … Read more

DMPQ- Disinvestment as a source of revenue is not a viable and alternative option of increasing revenue. Do you agree with the statement.

Disinvestment means sale or liquidation of assets by the government, usually Central and state public sector enterprises, projects, or other fixed assets.The government undertakes disinvestment to reduce the fiscal burden on the exchequer, or to raise money for meeting specific needs, such as to bridge the revenue shortfall from other regular sources. Indian non debt … Read more

DMPQ-. The declining growth in agriculture owing to two consecutive drought years indicating a building up rural distress, discuss a roadmap to ensure complete agrarian transformation of sort to ensure sustainable livelihoods for the farmers and food security for the population?

The decline in agriculture growth is attributed to two consecutive drought years; as 60% of Indian agriculture is rain-fed. A target of 4% growth has been envisaged for agriculture and allied sectors for twelfth plan period, however, the growth was (-) 0.2 per cent in 2014-15 & 1.1% in 2015-16. The depressing situation of agriculture … Read more

DMPQ- Differentiate between the role of Estimates Committee and Public Accounts Committee

Estimates Committee Estimates Committee was first established during British Era in 1920s but Independent India’s first Estimates Committee was established in 1950. This committee examines the estimates included in the budget and suggests ‘economies’ in public expenditure. The Estimates Committee has 30 members and all these members are from Lok Sabha. There is no Rajya … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on the differentiated banking.

Differentiated banks are banking institutions licensed by the RBI to provide specific banking services and products.It is a system refers to the system of different licenses for different sub components of the banking sector such as Limited Banking License, Commercial Banking License etc. A differentiated license will allow a bank to offer products only in … Read more

DMPQ: Give mains reasons of regional imbalance.

Causes of Regional Imbalances in India: 1. Historical factors: British regime 2. Geographical factors : Natural factors 3. Failure of planning: Although balanced growth has been accepted as one of the major objectives of economic planning in India, since the second plan on wards, but it did not make much headway achieving this object. 4. … Read more