DMPQ:Write short note on capital accountconvertibility.(economics)

Capital Account Convertibility (CAC) is not just the currency convertibility freedom, but morethan that, it involves the freedom to invest in financial assets of other countries.The Committee on Capital Account Convertibility (1997, Chairman SS Tarapore) in its reporthas given a working definition for the CAC which is as following:“CAC refers to the freedom to convert … Read more

DMPQ:Economic growth in India has been broadly on an accelerating path. It is likely to be the fastest growing major economy in the world in the medium-term. Suggest ways to have double digit growth in the medium term.

Economic growth is key to the overall development. The growth accompanied by regulatory environment for inclusive growth can be a booster for Indian economy. Further, all global agencies like world bank, IMF etc. have termed India to be bright spot in the light of low growth rate of global economy. But, the economic environment must … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short essay on followings: (A) Revenue Expenditure (B) Rolling plan (C) Round Tripping

Revenue Expenditure Broadly the expenditure which does not result in creation of assets for Government of India is treated as revenue expenditure. An expenditure that neither creates assets nor  reduces a liability is categorized as revenue expenditure. Revenue expenditure is for the normal running of Government departments and various services, interest payments on debt, subsidies, … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the objective of National career service.

National Career Service is a Five Year Mission Mode Project launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 20th July, 2015. The project is being implemented by the Directorate General of Employment, Ministry of Labour & Employment. National Career Service (NCS) is a one-stop solution that provides a wide array of employment and career related services … Read more

DMPQ: India’s NPA problem is a chronic problem and exist at a larger scale then peer countries then what factors didn’t allow Indian economy to collapse? (economic)

the reasons are as follows:   Unlike east Asian crisis, Indian economy was on economic growth path with slight interruption. India maintained and followed strong prudential norms in terms of offering of credit. Boom period didn’t become the excuse for reckless loan giving. There were also control over the cooperates to take loan from foreign … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on InvITS

InVITS:  An Infrastructure Investment Trust (InvITs) is like a mutual fund, which enables direct investment of small amounts of money from possible individual/institutional investors in infrastructure to earn a small portion of the income as return. InvITs work like mutual funds or real estate investment trusts (REITs) in features. InvITs can be treated as the … Read more