Assam:economic current affairs
Gross state domestic product
As per quick estimates, GSDP of Assam at current price increased to Rs.249800.96 crore during 2016-17(QE) registering a growth of 10.55% over the previous year. GSDP of the State at constant price has increased to Rs.192399.92 crore during the year 2016-17(QE) registering a growth of 6.8% over the previous year. The average annual growth rate (AAGR) in 2016-17 (QE) of GSDP at constant (2011-12) prices recorded 4.95% in Agriculture, 3.85% Forestry & Fishing while Industry sector during the period from 2011-12 to 2016-17(QE) . The Service sectors achieved highest AAGR of 7% during the period under reference.
State finances
The Assam Government Budget 2017-18 was presented with expected Consolidated Fund of Rs.84732.16 crore comprising of expected Revenue Receipts of Rs.70719.61 crore against Rs. 14012.55 crore under Capital Account. The expected receipts of fund under Public Accounts and Contingency Fund Accounts have been estimated at Rs.162580.51 crore and Rs.100.00 crore respectively for 2017-18(BE) .The total expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of the State during 2017-18 (BE) has been estimated at Rs.85922.69 crore of which Rs. 68319.45 crore was kept under Revenue Account against Rs.17603.24 crore under Capital Account. The total expected expenditure for the financial year 2017-18 was calculated around Rs.247779.86 crore of which Rs.161757.17 crore would be spent under Public Accounts against Rs.100 crore under Contingency Fund. Thus, during the year 2017-18(BE) Rs.1982.61 crore would be deficit at the beginning of the fiscal and it was expected to increase to Rs.2349.80 crore at the end of the year.
During 2017-18, an amount of Rs.23960.29 crore is expected from the state’s own resources with contribution of Rs.16496.32 crore as tax revenue and Rs.7463.97 as non-tax revenue. It is expected that the total state tax collections will increase during 2017-18 by 11.58% over 2016-17. It is observed that collection of taxes under The Assam Value Added Tax Act, 2003 has sharply increased from Rs.7013.93 crore in 2015- 16 to Rs.8176.31 crore in 2016-17 reflecting a growth of 16.57% over the previous year.
The Debt-GSDP ratio has gradually come down from 18.12% in 2011-12 to 15.35% in 2016-17. However, the Debt-GSDP ratio of the State for 2017-18(B.E) is expected to reach above 19%. Out of the total revenue outlay for 2017-18(BE), Social and Community Services account for 41.99%, General Services 36.92%, Economic Services 20.62% and Grants-in-Aid 0.47%. The relative shares of expenditures under the four heads viz. General Service, Social and Community Services, Economic Services and Grants-in-aid which were 36.6 %, 38.%,15.5 % and 9.2 % respectively of the total expenditure in 2011-12 is expected to change to 95.1%, 108.1%, 53.1% and 1.2% respectively of the total expenditure in 2017-18(BE).
Agriculture and food grain production
The Production of agricultural crops including food grains is directly related to area coverage of various crops cultivated and produced. In Assam the soil, topography, rainfall and climate in general are very conducive for agricultural activity, mainly for the cultivation of paddy. Therefore, concentration of area under paddy cultivation and production is high both from the side of farmers as well as the Agriculture Department. As per estimates, the total area under paddy cultivation during the year 2016-17 was declined to 24.67 lakh hectares from 24.85 lakh hectares in 2015-16. The area for paddy cultivation in 2016-17 was estimated at 92.5% of the total area under food grain in the State as compared to 92.61% in 2015-16. Total area under paddy showed a decline in the state, due to decline in area covered under Autumn Rice. The final forecast estimates show that the area under Autumn Rice has declined from 4.36 lakh hectares in 2004-05 to 1.91 lakh hectares in 2015-16 and further declined to 1.68 lakh hectares in 2016-17. However, the area under Winter Rice and Summer Rice has marginally increased from 18.89 lakh hectares and 4.05 lakh hectares in 2015-16 to 18.90 lakh hectares and 4.08 lakh hectares respectively in 2016-17. The area under Wheat has declined by around 17% in the year 2016-17 from its previous year, while that of the area under Maize and Oilseeds has increased by 10.2% and 2.3% respectively in 2016 as compared to the previous year’s area. As per estimates, total food grains production in the State had increased at minimum from 53.48 lakh tonnes in 2015-16 to 53.55 lakh tonnes in 2016- 17. The production of Rice in the State has slightly increased to 51.27 lakh tonnes in 2016-17 from 51.25 lakh tonnes in 2015-16. However, the production of total Cereal, Wheat, Pulses and Oilseed were declined in 2016 as compared to the previous year.
Irrigation is essential for sustainable development in agriculture, whichplays an important role in the economy of Assam. Assam is predominantly rural in nature and the economy of Assam is also primarily based on rural life with 70% of its population directly dependent on agriculture as a source of livelihood. Out of the total geographical area of 78.44 lakh hectares the land use pattern in Assam indicates that the gross cropped area of the State is 40.82 lakh hectare and the net area sown is 28.19 lakh hectare in 2014-15.
The development programmes for improvement of irrigation facility in Assam is taken up under two broad heads, viz., Minor Irrigation and Major & Medium Irrigation. While the Irrigation Schemes are classified as Major, Medium and Minor they are categorized as Surface Flow, Surface Lift (for Major / Medium and Minor) and Ground Water Lift (for Minor only). Three Departments, viz. Irrigation, Agriculture and Panchayat and Rural Development are associated with development of irrigation facilities in the State. The State Irrigation Department, being the Nodal Department for development of irrigation in the State, executes and maintains Major, Medium and Minor Irrigation Schemes. The irrigation works of the other two departments are confined to minor irrigation schemes like Shallow Tube Wells, Low Lift Points and Temporary Minor Irrigation Schemes only. In the cropped areas of the State, the Irrigation Department alone created irrigation potential of 8.04 (appox) lakh hectares up to March, 2017 through both completed and ongoing irrigation schemes of which 2.79 lakh hectares through both Major and Medium Irrigation Projects. And the rest 5.25 lakh hectares covered through Minor Irrigation Schemes. Under Minor Irrigation Sector a potential of 1.49 lakh hectares was also created through Shallow Tube Wells (STWs) and Low Lift points (LLPs) installed by the Assam State Minor Irrigation Development Corporation (ASMIDC) Limited.
Industrial growth
The Industry sector comprises Mining & Quarrying, Manufacturing, Electricity, Gas, Water Supply & other Utility Services and Construction. In GDP of the State it is estimated that there will be a 5.11% growth at current prices in 2016-17(QE) over previous year. At current prices, the share of growth of the sub sectors to the Industry sector is estimated in Mining and Quarrying 1.90%, Manufacturing 9.32%, Electricity, Gas, Water supply & other utility Services 6.50% and Construction 3.50% . At constant prices, the contribution of the sub sectors to the Industry sector during the same year is estimated at 1.80% in Mining and Quarrying, 7.90% in Manufacturing, 7.20% in Electricity, Gas, Water Supply & Other Utility Services and 1.70% in construction .
During the year 2016-17 the mineral production in the State has increased against a lower production of minerals during 2015-16, except Petroleum crude oil. During the year 2016-17 production of Coal, Limestone and Sulphur increased substantially by 51.13%, 261.31% and 52.04% respectively over the previous year. However, during the year 2016-17 production of Crude Oil has decreased over the previous year by 6.89%.
Handloom and sericulture
Assam is proud of traditionally producing Muga, Eri and Mulberry and lastly the Oak tassar in the hills districts. The State accounts for highest production of non-mulberry silk, muga and eri in the country. Assam has the monopoly in the world in the production of Muga, the “Golden Silk”, as more than 97% of Muga Silk is produced in Assam. Assam has also achieved the right of ‘Geographical Indication’ for Muga thread. The State is also a Major producer of Eri Silk (about 65%).
This industry has undergone a number of changes with the changes in loom, fabric, design, technology etc. Non-mulberry silk in general and Muga silk in particular has been closely associated with the rituals and traditions of Assam and thus, silk production and its usage has been an important household activity in the State over the years. Muga Silk and Eri Silk have good demand in the national and international market. Rearing of Eri, Muga and Mulberry silkworm are playing an important role in the economic development of a large section of rural population of the State. It is practiced in 9935 villages at present and provides employment to 3.19 lakh families of the State. The production of silk in the State was 3647.49 MT during the year 2016-17 which is 34.45% higher than the previous year.
Power generation
Uprising trend in the consumption of energy is linked to the growth of the economy and modernisation, urbanisation and improvement of quality of life of the people living in a State or a Country. The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) data shows that the North East of India has hydro power potential of 63,257 MW or 43% of the total assessed hydro power of the Country. Among the North Eastern states, Assam has a capacity to produce 680 MW hydro power. The 18th Electric Power Survey of India was undertaken by CEA to forecast electric Energy Requirement and Electric Load and Power Station Bus Bars (Utilities only) for the Twelfth Five Plan (2012-13 to 2016-17) for all States/Union Territories of India. As per the Survey report by the end of 12th Plan period, the projected energy requirement for Assam is 8947 MU and Peak Electric Load is 1817 MW.
Rural development
Poverty alleviation and economic upliftment of rural poor is the basic objective of the Panchayat and Rural Development Department of Assam for which various national and State level flagship schemes have been implementing by the this department. For eradication of poverty the Depart has been implementing various National and State level flagship schemes viz. Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme, National Family Benefit Scheme, Annapurna, Chief Minister’s Assam Bikash Yojona, Backward Region Grant Fund, etc. The Rural Development, on the other hand, is also implementing programmes like IAY, MGNREGA etc for upliftment life and gnerate and employment of the rural poor of the State.
During 2015-16 the Department completed construction of more than 74097 IAY houses against the annual target of 123193. Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) programme has now been restructured as Pradhan Matri Awaas Yojana- Gramin. About 102877 houses sanctioned and started construction against the annual target of 219695 during the financial year 2016-17 more than 176335 incomplete IAY houses of the previous years have been completed during the same year. Under PMAY-G scheme during the year 2016-17, 325 houses constructed against the target of 219695. During the year 2014-15 Rs.90160.35 lakh has been utilised against the fund received Rs.93744.86 lakh under IAY Scheme while in the year 2015-16 Rs.82455.91 lakh has been utilised against the receipt of fund Rs.11,0413.03 lakh. In the year 2016-17 under IAY scheme, Rs.50,890.09 lakh has been utilised against the fund received Rs.27,245.79 lakh. Under PMAY-G scheme Rs.11383.84 lakh has been utilised against the fund received Rs.11,029.54 lakh.
Banking in assam
According to the Reserve Bank of India, the number of reporting Bank Offices of all Scheduled Commercial Banks in Assam has been increased from 1317 as on March 2008 to 2276 as on March 2017. With the increase in the bank networking, the dependence per bank offices in Assam has been considerably decreased over the years and reduced from 59.56 sq. km as on March 2008 to 34.46 sq. km. as on March 2017. However, average population covered per bank branch office in Assam was calculated at 13.71 thousand (based on Population Census 2011) as on March, 2017 compared to all-India average of 8.8 thousand during the same period. At the end of March 2017, out of the 2276 bank offices, 46% bank offices were located in rural, 28% were in semi-urban and 26% were in urban areas.
The expansion of banking facilities in the State over the years has resulted in increase of volume of deposits and also disbursement of credit. The aggregate deposit with Scheduled Commercial Banks in Assam, which was Rs.103794 crore in March 2016, has increased to Rs.122307 crore in March 2017. The volume of deposits has been increased by 17.84% in March 2017 over the previous year. The per capita deposit in the State has also increased from Rs.33267 in March 2016 to Rs.39201 in March 2017. Thus, the per capita deposit in the State has recorded 17.84% increase over the previous year.
Transport sector
The rapid increase of the number of motor vehicles on road in Assam has been observed over the past few years. The on road vehicle population in the State has reached 2837829 as on March 2017 compared to 2666589 as on March 2016. An additional of 171240, which is 6.42% on road motor vehicles was added during the year 2016-17 over 2015-16. Out of the total 2837829 motor vehicles during on road about 63% vehicles were two wheelers. According to the Motor vehicle registering authority of the State as many as 292980 new motor vehicles were registered during the year 2016- 17 in the State which is 0.72% more than that of the previous year. Out of the total registered motor vehicle more than 69.4% were two wheelers. The density of motor vehicles in Assam was 34.9 per sq. km. during the year 2015-16 as against 30.4 vehicles per sq. km. during the year 2014-15. During the year 2000-01, density of motor vehicles in Assam was only 6.8 per sq. km.
It is evident from the status of telecom facilities in Assam that the overall teledensity (Telephone per 100 of population) of the State as on March 2016 was 63.25 as against the national average 87.85. While the urban tele-density of Assam stood at 148.86 as on March 2016 compared to 132.26 as on March 2015, the rural tele-density was only 46.63 as on March 2016 and seems to be higher over the previous year (39.18). However, in respect of overall tele-density as well as urban tele density the position of Assam stood far below the national average [overall 87.85 and Urban 164.13 as on March 2016. In respect of rural segments also tele-density of Assam was considerably below the national average (Rural-52.97) during the same period.
According to the Annual Report 2016-17 of the Department of Telecommunications, Govt. of India, there were 20694170 telephones in Assam out of which 2.64% were rural. Moreover, the total telephones in Assam as on March 2016 share only 1.84% of total telephones in the Country. BSNL also provided Village Public Telephones (VPTs) to 5297 inhabited villages of Assam till March 2016.
The Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) at Primary Level during 2014-15 and 2015-16 in Assam is 114.96 and 106.11 against 100.08 and 99.21 respectively for all States. The GER at Upper Primary Level during 2014-15 and 2015-16 in Assam was 95.86 and 93.05 compared to 91.24 and 92.81 for all States respectively as per U-DISE 2015-16. The average annual drop-out rate at Primary level in the State during 2016-17 as per DISE, was 5.7, which was 15.36 in 2015-16, against the all India drop-out rates of 6.7. At the Upper Primary level the average drop-out rate in the State during 2016-17 is 3.00, which was 10.51 in 2015-16, against the all India rate of 9.8. The Pupil-Teacher Ratio in the Primary and Upper Primary Levels of the State during the year 2015-16 was 21 and 23 while the PTR ratio during 2016-17 is 26 and 18 respectively as against the all States ratio of 23 and 17 respectively.
Health and family welfare
The status of Health infrastructure in the State is improving over the years. At present there are 25 Civil Hospitals, 13 Sub-Divisional Civil Hospitals, 1014 PHCs, 62 FRUs, 151 CHCs and 4621 Sub Centres with 18356 numbers of total beds in the State at the end of 2016. The number of available Medical and Paramedical staff in the State is 5004 including Ayurvedic and Homeopathic doctors in 2016.
The Government of Assam has taken various steps for improvement of maternal health and reduction of infant mortality as a measure of human and social development. The Maternal Mortality Ratio of the State during 2011-13 has shown a little improvement over the period of 2010-12. During the period 2011–2013 MMR, of Assam has come down to 300 from 328 while in India it is 167 which has coming down from 178. Due to improvement in the field of Medical Science and various Social Security measures adopted. Infant Mortality Rate in Assam is 44 against 34 in India during 2016 which is still very high as compared to national level. Similarly in Rural area it is 46 while in urban area it is 22 at State level. At the national level, IMR at Rural is 38 and 23 in Urban area during 2016.
Population: Rural and urban
As per Population Census, 2011, the rural population of the State was 86.0 percent of the total population. This percentage was much higher than that for All-India (69.0 percent). The proportion of rural population in the State decreased from 87 percent in 2001 to 86 percent in 2011. Out of the total rural population 51.03 percent were male and 48.97 were female. As per the Population Census, 2011, around 14 percent of the total population of the State was living in urban areas. The proportion of urban population in the State increased from 12.9 percent in 2001 to 14 percent in 2011.
State income
The annual average growth rate (AAGR) of Gross SDP (GSDP) at constant (2011-12) price during 2011-12 to 2016-17 of the State of Assam is estimated at 6.11%, which indicates a favourable status of the State Economy. During the same period, the Agriculture and allied sector of the State has achieved the AAGR of 5.52% at constant prices. AAGR of Industry sector at constant price had shown comparatively a higher growth rate of 6.79% during this period. And AAGR of Service sector at constant price during this period is estimated at 7.37%. In the new series (base-2011-12), AAGR in respect of GSDP at current price for the period 2011-12 to 2016-17 is estimated at 11.80%. Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) during the period 2011-12 to 2016-17 has also shown an AAGR of 6.76% at constant price (base 2011-12) and 14.44% at current price.
Per capita income
Per Capita Income of the State in terms of NSDP and the country in terms of Net National Income is presented in Table: 3.7. The per capita income of the State in terms of NSDP at constant (2011-12) prices is estimated at Rs.51040.00 for the year 2016- 17(QE) against Rs.48725.00 in 2015-16(PE) with an increase of 4.75% during the period. And the same was Rs.41142.00 in the year 2011-12. AAGR during the period from 2011-12 to 2015-16 was 4.01%. The per capita NSDP at current price for the year 2016-17 was worked out at Rs.65698.00 as against Rs.60526.00 in 2015-16 registering a growth of 8.55%.
State finances
Government of Assam annual Budget 2017-18 reflects the receipts, expenditures, deficit/ surplus and balance at disaggregated and overall level. In Annual Budget 2017-18 overall receipt was estimated Rs.247412.67 crore (BE) against Rs.247835.46 crore (RE) during 2016-17. However, the receipt under consolidated fund has increased in 2017-18 to Rs.84732.16 crore (BE) against Rs.70146.01 crore (RE) in 2016-17.
In 2017-18, the total expenditure was estimated at Rs.247779.86 crore (BE) against Rs.249001.88 crore (RE) during 2016-17. Overall, it was estimated a Rs.367.19 crore (BE) deficit in 2017-18 against Rs.1166.42 crore (RE) deficit during 2016-17. Adjusting against the closing balance it was estimated at Rs. 2349.80 crore (BE) deficit in 2017-18 against Rs.1982.61 crore (R.E) deficit during 2016-17.
Revenue Receipt & Expenditure
The revenue receipts can broadly be categorized as a share of central taxes, state taxes, non-tax revenue and grants-in-aid from Government of India. The component of revenue receipts and revenue expenditures are shown in the Table: 4.2. In 2017-18 Budget, the estimates under revenue receipts of the Government of Assam was estimated at Rs.70719.61 crore (BE) against revenue expenditure at Rs.68319.45 crore, with a surplus margin of Rs.2400.16 crore in Revenue Account. The expected growth of revenue receipt during 2017-18 is estimated at 6.86% over 2016-17.
During 2017-18, an amount of Rs.23960.29 crore is expected from the state’s own resources with contribution of Rs.16496.32 crore as tax revenue and Rs.7463.97 crore as non-tax revenue. It is expected that the total state tax collections will increase during 2017-18 by 11.58% over 2016-17.
The major source of revenue receipt of the Government during 2017-18 will be , the share of central and state taxes received amount of Rs.42045.58 crore (59.51%) ,followed by grants-inaid from the centre at Rs. 21170.06 crore ( 29.93%) and non-tax revenue at Rs.7463.97 crore (10.56%) respectively.
Kisan credit cards in assam
As per bank records, over 9.60 lakh KCC were issued in Assam. However, active credit cards are just a little over 1.34 lakhs. Data shows over 80 percent of inactive KCC cards. To activate these inactive KCC’s, our Government proposes to introduce a onetime cash incentive of Rs.3000 per inactive KCC holding farmer if he renews the card. A detailed guideline will be issued for this purpose. Rs. 65 crores will be allotted for this in the budget 2017-18.
Agriculture land holdings
It reveals from the Agricultural Census, 2010-11 that there were 27.2 lakh operational holdings in Assam covering an operated area of 29.99 lakh hectares as against 27.5 lakh operational holdings covering an operated area of 30.49 lakh hectares in 2005-06 and 27.1 lakh operational holdings covering an operated area of 31.1 lakh hectares in 2000-01. Thus, the agricultural operated area shows decreasing in the State by 3.69 percent in 2010-11 over 2000-01 which largely affected by soil erosion of ever widening Brahmaputra River, increasing urbanization, industrialization, expansion of roadways and other infrastructural development activities, conversion of agricultural land for setting up of industries as well to homestead land to accommodate ever increasing popula tion etc.
At present, only 11.27 lakh hectares has been covered by Irrigation Potential created by the Agriculture Department i.e.; 40% percent of net cropped area has been covered. The area under utilizable assured irrigation is 7.33 lakh hectares i.e.; 26 percent of net cropped area. To increase the irrigation command of additional assured irrigation area by 2.0 lakh hectares and to regain the loss of area coverage by deplorable condition of STWs installed prior to 2000, the scope/popularity towards use of assured irrigation in the field of Agriculture is felt one of the most prime needs of the department. Therefore, the department proposed to install 1.00 lakh STWs under RIDF Scheme of NABARD.
crop insurance
The state of Assam has been experiencing floods almost every year and about 4.75 lakh hectares of area in the State is chronically flood prone and about 0.94 lakh hectares area is draught prone. Therefore, the Crop Insurance is a very important area to look into to help farmers at the time when there is crop loss/crop damage due to recurring natural calamities, severe pest infestations and diseases in notified crops.
Rural women are considered as the most productive workforce in all aspects of cultivation/crop production and processing to marketing. Development of farming women has been given special thrust by the State Govt. for which the scheme has been formulated which will cover 500 women. 200 spice and pulses grinding mills, 200 numbers of power weeder and 50 numbers of paddy transplanter will be provided to the women SHGs for their economic upliftment during the year 2014-15 with special reference to Chief Minister’s Vision of Women & Children of 2016.
Rejuvention of Kollong River
The Kollong an off shoot channel of the Brahmaputra was a life line of middle Assam for ages contributing to the economic, social and cultural prosperity of the region. The Government is making sincere efforts to rejuvenate the now defunct and dead Kolong for which a signature project is proposed and a provision of Rs.10.00 crores is made in this budget for survey and investigation. Further Government have constituted an expert committee for rejuvenation of Kollong River and the committee has already submitted their report.
The total milk production of the state for the year 2016-17 was estimated at 904 million liters as against 888.14 million liters of the previous year. It reveals that the growth of milk production has increased marginally by 2% over the previous year. Further during the year Indigenous/ Non descript cattle milk is observed to have constituted 54% of the total milk production of the State while the contribution of Crossbreed cattle milk is around 31% and thus the cattle milk together contributes 85% to the total milk. Buffalo and Goat milk contributes 13% and 2% respectively to the total milk production. It means that about 15% of the total milk production is shared by buffalo and goat milk.
he per capita availability of milk for the year 2016-17 is estimated on the basis of total milk production and total population of the state for the period. As such the per capita availability is estimated to have become 74 ml per day. Thus the per capita availability of milk is observed to have remained almost same in comparison to the previous year, which might be due to rise in population (projected) by 1.2% even with the increase in milk production. But the fact is that per capita availability of milk of the State is much lower than the norms determined by the ICMR.
Assam, has a recorded forest area of about 26,832 sq kms, accounting for 34.21 percent of the total geographical area of the State, with a share of 3.51 percent of the total forest area of the country, as a whole, as per India State Forest Report 2015. Out of the total recorded forest area, reserved forest area constitutes 17,864 sq kms. i.e., 66.58 percent of the total area, and un-classed forest constitutes 8,968 sq kms i. e, 33.42 percent of the total area.
Trees grown outside the forest area, in Urban areas significantly also contributes in clearing the Urban environment, supplying and meeting the timber and fuel wood needs and requirements of poor people, living in urban areas of the Country. According to the State Forest Report 2015, in the recorded forest area in Assam of 26,832 sq. kms the volume of growing stock (in million cubic meters). In forest is 143.672. In Trees Outside Forests is 33.018 with a total of 176.690 million cubic meters, in the State.
The Industry sector which comprises Mining & Quarrying, Manufacturing, Electricity, Gas, Water Supply & other Utility Services and Construction sectors is estimated to attain at 5.11% growth at current prices during 2016-17 (Q) over previous year. At current prices, the share of growth of the sub sectors to the Industry sector is estimated in Mining and Quarrying (1.90%), Manufacturing (9.32%), Electricity, Gas, Water supply & other utility Services (6.50%) and Construction (3.50%) respectively. At constant prices, the contribution of the sub sectors to the Industry sector during the same year is estimated at 1.80% in Mining and Quarrying, 7.90% in Manufacturing, 7.20% in Electricity, Gas, Water Supply & Other Utility Services and 1.70% in Construction respectively.
During 2015-16, the Index of Industrial Production (Base: 2004-05=100) in respect of manufacturing sector was 174.27 showing a negative growth of 2.30 percent over the previous year. IIP of Assam during 2015-16 was 134.09 and decreased by 0.89 percent over 135.30 in 2014-15
To facilitate the growth of downstream industries based on the Assam Gas Cracker Project (Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Ltd.), Government of Assam has proposed to set up a Plastic Park at Gelapukhuri in Tinsukia District to facilitate polymer based downstream industries. The project site is located 3-4 kms from the Tinsukia town and about 60 kms from the Assam Gas Cracker Project site. It is proposed to provide the following facilities:
- Developed plots
- Internal roads
- Water supply system
- Captive power plant
- Internal drainage system
The approved project cost of the Plastic Park covering an area of 500 acres is Rs. 9365.00 lakh, out of which Central share is Rs.4000.00 lakh & State share is Rs.5365.00 lakh. AIDC Ltd has been designated as the nodal agency for implementation of the Plastic Park project and 25% work of the project has so far been completed. Till date the Govt. of India has released Rs. 2200.00 lakh and the Govt. of Assam has released Rs.3262.00 lakh.
A bamboo park at Chaygaon in Kamrup (Rural) is under construction. The proposed park is being developed in PPP model with the assistance from Ministry of Commerce & Industry, GOI; State Govt. and private promoters. The cost of the Project is Rs.62.28 crore out of which the Central Govt. contribution is Rs.52.63 crore and the State Govt. share is 3.90 crore and term loan is 5.75 crore. The objective of park is to create integrated infrastructure for promotion of bamboo based industries in the State. The project is under implementation and in the final stage of completion.
This is an innovative marketing scheme for Micro and small entrepreneurs of Assam. The basic objective is to give support to the entrepreneurs to participate in trade fairs or events organised within the State, Country or abroad. Under the scheme, for the events organised within the State, the participants coming from other districts are given Rs.5000.00 towards stall rent and Rs.500.00 per day to meet the expenditure on travelling, food and lodging. For participating outside the State, the selected participants will be given 50 percent of the stall rent (maximum ceiling being Rs.10.00 thousand), sleeper class to and fro railway fare for two person and each member will get Rs.300.00 per day towards food and lodging for the fair period. The scheme also includes free stall space for the selected participants for events outside the Country. The participant will also be provided with Economy Class Air fare and Rs.1000.00 per person per day for lodging and expenditure on food.
This special scheme was announced by the Hon’ble Finance Minister on 26th July 2016 on his Budget Speech to provide special grant to the rural industries of the State dealing with traditional and micro sector. The scheme will cover all the districts except Karbi Anglong, Dima Hasao and Bodoland Territorial Autonomous District. Under the scheme, it is proposed to provide Rs.25.00 thousand as grant to the industries located in rural areas and whose annual turnover is less than Rs.5.00 lakh.
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