- To make Handloom Textiles sector a sustainable source of employment for both the urban and rural people of Assam. 5.2 To patronize handloom products as great harbinger of cultural Heritage of the state and motivate both weavers and users to take pride in manufacturing and wearing handloom products of Assam.
- To find out the key gaps in the sector such as non or low availability of raw materials, lack of organized production system, lack of working capital, lack of timely up-gradation of looms, lack of infrastructure, lack of product diversification and market linkages etc and find out long term sustainable solution to these gaps. 5.4 To strengthen the production base for taking up production of value added utility based contemporary products.
- To build capacity of the weavers and artisans engaged in manufacture of hand woven products through skill up-gradation design & product Innovation and infrastructural support.
- To promote investment, both private and institutional, in the sector for production of high quality handloom fabrics to cater to the demands of both National and international market.
- To provide a conducive business environment for export focussed production of handloom fabric so that it can grow as a profession and the per capita production increases.
- To market Handloom products aggressively in and outside the state as also in the global market by providing linkage to the leading exporters and retailers so that the handloom sector can absorb more people by creating more job opportunities and good remuneration
- To update the weavers and artisans about the latest techniques of weaving and about modern trend of apparel and garment for enhanced quality and volume
- enhanced productivity of hand woven fabric and other handicraft products cluster development approach will be given due stress.
Individual effort will also be encouraged through formulation of viable schemes and grants In aid up to 50% of the project wit be made available to individual weavers and SHGs/JLGs for viable schemes. - State shares of the central sector schemes for cluster development projects AI be released on preferential basis.
- Systematic and organized production and marketing being an Important aspects of the sector, formation of handloom weavers’ cooperative societies will be encouraged with participation of actual weavers for their mutual benefit. Efforts will thus be made to bring at least 50% of the weavers of the state to cooperative fold better production and better capacity to bargain.
- Loans and subsidies for entrepreneurs engaged In production and marketing of handloom products will be made available through various central sector and state sector schemes.
- The Directorate of Handloom and Textiles will act as the single window agency to facilitate Institutional finance to handloom and handicraft weavers/artisan/entrepreneurs in getting easy financial assistance
- Handloom Textiles offices/production centres of the state will be revamped and systematically modernized to cater to the need of the modern day weavers. Information Technology wil be used for enhanced efficacy.
- Weavers’ Extension Service Units (WESU) wil be strengthened with sufficient working capital and operational flexibility along with other infrastructural facilities to help poor weavers earn their livelihood without the exploitation of middle men.
- Folowing facilities will be available for the new and existing registered handloom textiles units/engaged in production and export of Assam Handloom products within the state.These MI be available in addition to other incentives given under the industrial Policy of the state.
- For investors and entrepreneurs the department Will act as the single window agency for arrangement of land for setting up of Handloom Production units with local weavers. The department will also establish land banks at various locations of the state for setting up such units.
- Facilles of subsidized yarns of all kinds 41 also be available for all entrepreneurs of both within and outside the state who want to set up handloom unit In the state.
- Handloom Textfes units utilizing siIk cocoons for production Will be given subsidy on cocoons from the state run cocoon banks up to 10% on purchase of cocoons worth above Rs. 25.00 iakh per year.
- The Government will create Revolving Credit System for facIltating procurement of cocoons by handloom production units from the state run cocoon banks. Under this system credit faclUy will be made to the extent of Rs.5.00 lakh per eligible entrepreneur.
- Logistic support for export of hand woven fabric and apparels made of such fabrics wig be given to eligible entrepreneurs to the extent of 50% of the actual expenditure on export as Export Market Development Assistance.
- One time working capital subsidy to the extent of 10% of the working capital for one year not exceeding Rs. 5.00 lakh will be given to eligible units utilizing local resources for production and marketing of handloom products. Export subsidy to the extent of 10% of the total volume of handloom products will also be given to such units.
- Weavers’ skill up gradation has two important aspects.The first is to update the weavers about the new and modern techniques of weaving, designing and marketing and the second is to create more skied weavers In the state for higher production on one hand and create employment opportunities on the other hand.
- Training of weavers and artisans wit be given emphasis keeping in mind these two important aspects. Training modules will be developed accordingly and existing training syllabus of the training centres and institutes will be periodically revised and updated for the benefit of weavers engaged in the production of low value items, who may not otherwise be able to survive the competition consequent on globalization.
- The training schemes for weavers shall have the objective of upgrading their skis to enable them to find alternative employment in handloom weaving and handicraft.
- The Handloom training Centres and Handloom training institutes of the department will be upgraded with modern amenities for perfect learning In the next five years and at least five more such centres/Institutes will be set up in suitable locations keeping the need of the time in view.
- Refresher course of training for the Instructors will be arranged from time to time which will Include educational visits to other states of the country for learning the current trends of weaving, designing and marketing. Such visits will also be available to at least 50 select weavers and master trainers per year. Other training programmes will also be organized from time to time to train weavers and other unemployed persons to Impart the skills of weaving.
- Master trainers from other states as well as expert faculties from Institutes of repute such as Ni FT, NID etc will be hired for improvement of skill of design development of the local weavers and artisans.
- Uniqueness In design Is the main forte of hand woven products. In power looms thousands of metres of cloth of a particular design may be produced. But in handlooms a single design can be seen in a few pieces of fabric only which is a unique feature of hand woven garments and apparels. This uniqueness of hand woven products if properly cultivated, can be the main weapon of handloom sector against the onslaught of power looms and this can save the sector and the millions of weavers and artisans connected in the trade. Keeping this In view the state Govt, will take the following steps viz.
- Research and Development works for creation and development of newer and more trendy designs as well as product Improvement In handloom products and apparels wit be one of the most Important activity of the handloom Textiles Department. The departmental budget will therefore have good provision for research and design Initiatives.
Effective system for support of research and development, design Input, skill up gradation and market linkage wi1 be designed and evolved In close cooperation of the central government. - The activities of the Handloom Texties department will be effectively dovetailed with the activities of the centres of design excellence like NIFT and NID etc. These and other National centres for design will be encouraged and facilitated to set up their outreach centres in the state and financial assistance will be provided to take up special projects for development design development.
Spedal Trainings under skied muster trainers both inside and outside the state may be organised as a skill up gradation activity among the weavers. - Excursion programme for the weavers will also be arranged for better appreciation of design and market trend of handioom product In the country.
- Research and Development works for Improvement of looms and other accessories w111 also be systematically carded out in consultation of state and central Govt. Institutions Ike IIT, NIFT, NID. IIHT, ATI, WSC etc and research projects for Improvement of designs, looms and other tools wit be funded from state budget.
- As a measure of safeguard to the handioom sector from the onslaught of power looms and to protect the Interest of trillions of weavers and artisans involved in the trade, Government intervention has become essential to curb the legal activities of unscrupulous traders who Indulge in flooding the market with cheap fabrics made in power looms which are otherwise prevented from manufacturing in power looms under the implementation of Hank Yarn Obligation Order and Reservation Orders issued under the Handioom ( Reservation of Articles for Production) Act 1985.The Government wit monitor enforcement of the provisions of the Handloom ( Reservation of Articles for Production) Act 1985 and Rules/Orders framed there under and strict action wll be taken against the persons found violating the same.
- To help the sector grow and bring a sense of professionalism among the weavers and artisans, creation of facidties for easy and quick marketing of land woven products will be necessary. This will on one hand require value addition in handioom products through design and quality development and arrangement of faclIties for easy marketing of hand woven products. Following steps will be taken.
- To boost merchandising and marketing of handloom products the Master weavers and Entrepreneurs be given need based financial assistance In producing and collecting value added fabrics in handloom for markets outside the state.
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