27.10.21 Daily [Assam] APSC Current Affairs

Assam Affairs

Guwahati air quality index dips

As hazy skies are back to haunt the state capital, the city’s air quality dipped to the “moderate” category, which causes breathing discomfort to people with lungs, asthma and heart diseases, with a steady reduction in ambient temperature and lack of rain.

After a few months of blue skies and clean air quality index (AQI), PM 2.5 pollutants stood at 144, which was 88 barely one week ago, the national air quality index of the Central Pollution Control Board stated.

The prominent pollutant is PM2.5 and the peak level of PM2.5, tiny particulate matter of diameter 2.5 microns or less than 2.5 microns – that can enter deep into the lungs – was 271 on Wednesday morning(10 am) contrary to the Average 144 during the day.

An AQI between 0-50 is considered “good”, 51-100 “satisfactory”, 101-200 “moderate”, 201-300 “poor”, 301-400 “very poor”, and 401-500 “severe”. Above 500 AQI is “severe-plus emergency” category.

The variation in AQI values is primarily due to variation in PM 2.5 values, which are seasonal weather characteristics.

The air quality may further deteriorate in the coming days due to the bursting of crackers as every year,Diwalinight pushes the city’s ambient air to dangerous levels which lead to winter pollution.

Last year, Guwahati’s air quality index had dipped to “severe” category with bursting of firecrackers on Diwali and a day after, despite a “complete ban” by the authorities. The average air quality index in Guwahati was 454 – the worst in the last season.

National and International Affairs

AI Pe Charcha – AI Dialogue Organized By MeitY

AI Pe Charcha – AI Dialogue was organized by the National e-Governance Division (NeGD) under the Ministry of Electronics and IT.


AI pe charcha was organized under the theme AI for Data driven government on 28 October.

It was arranged to cover the importance of data-driven and AI-enabled governance along with best practices from across the globe.

AI Pe Charcha is a range of panel discussions, which involves several global and domestic leaders from the government and .

In the discussions, researchers & academicians share their views & experiences on Artificial Intelligence, breakthrough innovations, related case studies, best practices from around the world and challenges faced in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

In the AI for Data Driven Governance session, experts will discuss leveraging AI for Public Sector, Postal Services, DEFENCE & Security and Future Cities.

They will also showcase a presentation on important AI-driven solutions, which have played an essential role in the COVID-19 pandemic.

National Employment Policy Panel Set By Govt.

The central government has planned to set up a National EMPLOYMENT Policy (NEP) committee, which aims to improve job opportunities in India.


The committee will comprise representatives from the Ministry of labour and other ministries.

It will also include prominent people from the with the high-powered committee, of which views and recommendations will be taken.

National Employment Policy (NEP)

The NEP seeks to create a sector-wise approach to improve job creation potential by pulling investments towards employment-intensive sectors, attracting new industries by generating an enabling Environment and policy interventions.

It will be created based on data from five all-India labour studies and the E-Shram portal for promoting evidence-based policymaking to create employment. The consequent consultations, it will be sent for cabinet approval.

AQEES survey

The first All-India Quarterly Establishment-based Employment Survey (AQEES) was launched in September 2021 for the April-June 2021 quarter.

This survey is administered by the Labour Bureau, an office of the Ministry of Labour & Employment.

Indo-Pacific Regional Dialogue Begins

The Indo – Pacific Dialogue is organized for 3 days from 27 to 29 October as an online event.


Indo-Pacific Regional Dialogue (IPRD) 2021 is organized as a three-day online event on 27, 28 and 29 October 2021.

IPRD 2021 will focus on the theme Evolution in Maritime Strategy during the 21st Century: Imperatives, Challenges and Way Ahead.

It will focus on eight sub-themes.

The National Maritime Foundation is the Indian Navys knowledge partner for IPRD 2021.
It is also the Indian Navys chief organizer for IPRD 2021.

Indo-Pacific Regional Dialogue (IPRD) is the apex international annual conference of the INDIAN NAVY.

It was first conducted in 2018.

IPRD aims to review both opportunities and challenges that arise within the Indo-Pacific.

UN Disarmament Week Is Observed From 24 To 30 October.

The UN Disarmament Week is observed from 24 to 30 October to create awareness about the issues of Disarmament worldwide.


The aim is to reduce the use of weapons particularly, nuclear weapons and bring peace to Society.

In 1995, the UNGA invited the government and non-governmental organizations to be part of the disarmament week.

The Disarmament plays a significant role in the achievement of Goals 16.

The United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs was established in January 1998 in New York, USA.

In 2018, UN Secretary-general Antonio Guterres declared Securing our common future: An Agenda for disarmament.