24.05.21 Daily [Assam] APSC Current Affairs

Assam Affairs

Assams BJP government plans bill to protect cows

While addressing the newly-elected 15thAssam legislative assembly, governor JagdishMukhi said the was planning to introduce abillon cow protection in the next assembly session to ban cattle transport outside the state.

Mukhi also underlined the BJP-led governments commitment to recover the lands of the Vaishnavite satras and places of worship from illegal encroachments.

A task force will be constituted to recover the lands of the satras and places of worship from illegal encroachments.

National and International Affairs

Ayush Sanjivani App:It allows for a significant study/documentation of the efficacy of selected Ayush interventions, such as Ayush 64 and Kabasura Kudineer medicines, in the treatment of asymptomatic and mild to moderate Covid 19 patients.

Jackfruit has recently been in the news. A shipment of fresh jackfruit from Tripura was shipped to London. It is a significant step toward maximising the export potential of agricultural and processed food products from the northeastern region.

Jackfruit is a tree species that belongs to the fig, mulberry, and breadfruit families (Moraceae).

It is a multi-fruit made up of hundreds to thousands of individual flowers and fleshy petals.

Artocarpus heterophyllus is the scientific name for this plant.

India, Thailand, Indonesia, and Nepal are the world’s major producers.

Kerala, Nadu, West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, and Assam are the major production states in India.

Kerala is the world’s largest producer of jackfruit.

Kerala and Tamil Nadu have it as a state fruit.

The Ministry of Ayush recently launched the Ayush Clinical Case Repository (ACCR) portal and the third version of the Ayush Sanjivani App.Ayush Clinical Repository (ACCR) portal:

It will serve as a resource for both Ayush practitioners and the general public.

Aim: To collect data on clinical outcomes achieved by Ayurvedic practitioners on a large scale.

It is expected to document the capabilities of Ayush systems in the treatment of a variety of disease conditions.

It has a section dedicated to reporting and publishing information about Covid 19 cases treated by Ayush Systems.