Educational Institutes Taxila, Nalanda And Vallabhi

 Educational institutes- Taxila, Nalanda and vallabhi Taxila university By some accounts, Taxila was considered to be one of the earliest (or the earliest) universities in the world. Others do not consider it a university in the modern sense, in that the teachers living there may not have had official membership of particular colleges, … Read more

DMPQ- Features of Nalanda school of sculpture.

Features are as follows: Sculptures have an ordered appearance with little effect of crowding. They are depicted in three-dimensional forms. Delicate ornamentations. Back slabs of the sculptures are detailed. Nalanda bronzes: dating from 7th and 8th centuries to the 12th century; outnumber the metal images from entire eastern India. Initially depict Mahayana Buddhist deities like … Read more

Educational institutes- Taxila, Nalanda and vallabhi

Taxila university By some accounts, Taxila was considered to be one of the earliest (or the earliest) universities in the world. Others do not consider it a university in the modern sense, in that the teachers living there may not have had official membership of particular colleges, and there did not seem to have existed … Read more