Contribution Of Brahma Gupta

 Contribution of  Brahma gupta, in mathematics Brahmagupta was born in 598 Bhinmal city in the state of Rajasthan. He was a mathematician and astronomer, who wrote many important works on mathematics and astronomy. His best known work is the “Brahmasphuta‐siddhanta”, written in 628 AD in Bhinmal. He was the first to use … Read more

Contribution Of Brahma Gupta

 Contribution of  Brahma gupta, in mathematics Brahmagupta was born in 598 Bhinmal city in the state of Rajasthan. He was a mathematician and astronomer, who wrote many important works on mathematics and astronomy. His best known work is the “Brahmasphuta‐siddhanta”, written in 628 AD in Bhinmal. He was the first to use … Read more

DMPQ- Write an essay on the status of women in Gupta Period.

The Gupta Empire was observed as the classical age of Indian culture because of its legendary and artistic happenings. Some information on roles for leading women comes from the Kama Sutra, a manual about the many ways to acquire pleasure, a legitimate goal for Hindu men in the householder, or second stage, of their lives. … Read more

The Gupta Dynasty

 Facts related to Uttar Pradesh There is controversy among scholars about the original homeland of the Guptas. Jayaswal has pointed out that the Guptas were originally inhabitants of Prayaga (Allahabad), Uttar Pradesh, in north India, as the vassal of the Nagas or Bhaarshivas. Thereafter they rose in prominence. Early Gupta coins and inscriptions have been mainly found in Uttar Pradesh. The Guptas … Read more

History of Assam from Vedic age to Gupta Period

History of Assam from Vedic age to Gupta Period The ancient name of Guwahati was Pragjyotishpur. Protohistoric Assam is reconstructed from epics and literature from early times (Mahabharata, Kalika Purana, Yogini Tantra, diff. chronicles etc.). The earliest political entity seems to have been led by a non-Aryan Danava dynasty with Mahiranga mentioned as the first … Read more

The Gupta Empire

The Gupta Empire stretched across northern, central and parts of southern India between c. 320 and 550 CE. The period is noted for its achievements in the arts, architecture, sciences, religion, and philosophy. Chandragupta I (320 – 335 CE) started a rapid expansion of the Gupta Empire and soon established himself as the first sovereign ruler of the empire. It marked the end of 500 hundred … Read more