United Nations Convention against Corruption The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) is a landmark, international anti-corruption treaty adopted by the UN General Assembly in October 2003. It represents a remarkable achievement: a global response to a global problem. With 181 countries bound by  UNCAC so far (as of 4 May 2017), … Read more

DMPQ-United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change

The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an intergovernmental treaty developed to address the problem of climate change. The Convention, which sets out an agreed framework for dealing with the issue, was negotiated from February 1991 to May 1992 and opened for signature at the June 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development … Read more

DMPQ-Write a short note on Bunker convention.

The International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (BUNKER) is an International treaty listed and administered by the International Maritime Organization, signed in London on 23 March 2001 and in force generally on 21 November 2008. The purpose is to adopt uniform international rules and procedures for determining questions of liability and … Read more

DMPQ:Short Note on UN Convention on Desertification.

An inter-governmental negotiating committee for the elaboration of aninternational convention to combat desertification in countries experiencing seriousdrought and/ or desertification was recommended in 1992 U.N. Conference onEnvironment and Development.The U.N. General Assembly established a committee in1992 which helped formulation of the convention on desertification. The convention endorses and employs a bottom-up approach to international environmental cooperation.Theconvention … Read more

DMPQ: . United nations convention on laws of sea.

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), also called the Law of the Sea Convention or the Law of the Sea treaty, defines the rights and responsibilities of nations in their use of the world’s oceans, establishing guidelines for businesses, the environment, and the management of marine natural resources. It replaced … Read more

DMPQ:BONN Convention

The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (also known as CMS or the Bonn Convention, not to be confused with the Bonn Agreement) aims to conserve terrestrial, marine and avian migratory species throughout their range. It is an intergovernmental treaty, concluded under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme, associated … Read more

DMPQ: . What are wetlands? What is Ramsar convention?

Wetlands are areas of marsh or peatland with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or saline, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed 6 m.   Wetlands are transition zones between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. E.g. Mangroves, lake littorals (marginal areas between highest and lowest … Read more

Wetland Conservation Programme, Ramsar Convention and The Montreux Record.

Wetland Conservation Programme Wetlands are lands transitional between terrestrial and aquatic system where the water table is usually near the water surface and land is covered by shallow water. Essential as: control floods, water treatment, recharging of water sources, reduce sediments, check soil erosion, bulwark against encroachment by the sea, winter resort for birds and … Read more