DMPQ- Explain Administrative Agencies.

All administrative law is run through government agencies. Our government is made up of numerous administrative agencies. These agencies are also sometimes called regulatory agencies. Agencies can be federal, state, city, or county entities. These agencies administer laws and manage public programs through the use of rules and regulations. Each agency is responsible for administering a particular … Read more

Uses And Harms Of Nuclear Energy

 Pros of Nuclear Energy Low Pollution: Nuclear power also has a lot fewer greenhouse emissions. It has been determined that the amount of greenhouse gases have decreased by almost half because of the prevalence in the utilization of nuclear power. Nuclear energy has the least effect on nature since it doesn’t discharge any gasses … Read more

DMPQ-What are the salient features of Motor vehicle amendment act, 2019?

The Act seeks to amend the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 to provide for road safety.  The Act provides for grant of licenses and permits related to motor vehicles, standards for motor vehicles, and penalties for violation of these provisions. Salient features of the act are as follows: Compensation for road accident victims:The central government will … Read more

DMPQ-. Explain various types of revolutions, took place in Agriculture after Independence in India. How these revolutions have helped in poverty alleviation and food security in India?

After independence, India witnessed green , blue and white revolutions in farm, fishery and dairy sector respectively. Green revolution: It was initiated to achieve food security in the country. It included three components : continued expansion of farming areas, double-cropping existing farmland, using seeds with improved genetics. The Green Revolution resulted in a record grain … Read more

06.04.21 Daily APSC Current Affairs

  INTERNATIONAL   Global Gender Gap Index 2021 Key Facts   The World Economic Forum released the Global Gender Gap Report for the year 2021. India’s ranking on the index fell 28 places. Highlights:   Among the 156 countries in the index, India ranks 140th. As a result, India became the third worst performing country … Read more

Social And Environmental Impacts Of Disasters

 Social impacts of disasters Natural Disasters can cause social impacts that are similar in different types of communities such as the need for rebuilding, urgent access to health care, simply accessing shelter during/after a storm, availability to food and water, turning towards the government for aid or towards religious organization for aid and moral … Read more

DMPQ:Relevance of Hindustan Socialist Republic Association

Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA) was a revolutionary organisation, also known as Hindustan Socialist Republican Army established in the year 1928 at Feroz Shah Kotla, New Delhi by Chandrasekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and other group members. Previously,it was known as Hindustan Republican Association (HRA) . Likewise the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA) was also … Read more